Friday, May 9, 2008

* Friday Afternoon Fights in Rogers Park

2:58 PM: What's a Friday without some good old kid fighting. The little kiddies have to blow off some steam from a stressful week at school. Here's what we got. Battery in progress at Howard and Paulina. Police on scene are asking for assistance. After enough police squad cars got to the location, none of the honor roll students wanted to be cooperative with the authorities.

5:37 PM: 3 shots fired. 7600 North Bosworth. Nothing further.

10:30 PM: Guess what? More shots fired in Rogers Park. No one cares where it happened at this point. Right? As long as it wasn't on your block.

1 comment:

Hillari said...

Most likely the ones who were fighting were the ones with a) no home training, and b) no interest in school. I remember the types all too well from when I was in grade school.

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