Monday, October 27, 2008

Quote of the Month

Bernie Stone. One of my readers favorite targets. Bernie woke up last week and spoke out. Have a read, will you?
"It is my intent, Mr. Inspector General, to wipe your entire office out of the budget," Stone told Inspector General David Hoffman. "It is my intent to submit a budget amendment which will destroy your department." Source
Bernie sounds like a bitter man. What do you think of poor Bernie?


Craig Gernhardt said...

I guess that means the IG won't be getting a Christmas card from Bernie this year?

Isaac Marshall said...

The fact is that the office of Inspector General was set up with certain conditions. One of those conditions being that alderman would not be investigated.

If that is not an indictment, I do not know what is.

The only oversight alderman have is the voters. And unfortunately by narrow margins Moore and Stone continue to provide a disservice to those voters.

Clark St. said...

Ole Berny used to sit at the table in Counselors Row Restaurant that the FBI bugged all those years ago.
The other tree, Pat Marcy, John D'Arco Jr. & Fred Roti all went to prison.
Only Berny didn't.
Do you think that Berny flipped on his "friend" to stay out of the slammer & was an unindicted co-conspirator?
Of course he was & that's why I hate all the US Attorney's before Fitzgerald!
They allowed the flipping scum to stay in politics, instead of naming them & forcing them out!

Hugh said...

It is my intention, Mr. Alderman, to wipe your entire office out of City Hall.

Chip Bagg said...

Poor old Bernie...

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