Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rotting Meat and Unknown Bones at Howard Beach

Hi Craig,

About a week ago, these strange bones and remnants started turning up at Howard Beach. They appear to belong to some kind of larger mammal. The bones are white, very strong and appear to be raw. I don't believe they are left overs from a group of sloppy picnickers. My dog has been finding a lot of them buried in the sand and many dog owners in the area are afraid that someone left them on purpose to harm our dogs. I believe quite a few people have called 311, but the bones are still there.

Yesterday, I spoke to a dog owner who lives in the building just south of the beach. Her theory is that there was an animal sacrifice on the north end of the beach. She said that she often finds flowers, candy and small dead animals out on the ledge near where most of the bones have been found. I've seen the flowers too.

This reminded me that the night before the bones turned up, my fiancee and I saw three teen boys hanging out by that ledge. We thought they might have been high because they were throwing rocks at ducks. I don't know if there is any connection because the bones are too large to belong to a duck. Also, there are no duck feathers.

I don't want to interfere with anyone's right to practice whatever religion they wish to practice, but I would really, really like to know what is happening. I would also like to ask that whoever left these remnants please clean up after themselves next time. The rotting meat and unknown bones could be a hazard for the dogs that share the beach too.

I was wondering if you knew anything or had any ideas.


Blognotes: Hi J. I covered everything at least once around here.


Clark St. said...

It could be worse.
Feet keep washing up on the beaches of British Columbia!
No one knows where they come from.

Sticky Fingers said...

There are a lot of Afro-Carribean immigrants in that area. Now I'm not an expert by any long shot, but it almost sounds like a voodoo type of practice to me or something similar.

rogerspark60645 said...

Lindsay, I think you may be corret. I was sort of thinking the same thing.

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