Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A State Upside Down

I've been mesmerized by the Governors impeachment trial in the Senate this week. Lead story on every major news program. The late night comics. The SNL skits. The political theatre coming from Illinois is now being shown to the world. I'll even admit to watching the "View" for the first time in my life a couple of days ago. And... they're laughing their asses off.

I've been mesmerized by the our police departments ability to allow a 14 year old kid to play police officer. I was rooting for the kid to make an honest to goodness arrest while he was on his tour duty. The second headline story on every major news program right after our Governor. The late night comics. The future SNL skits. The political theatre coming our clueless Mayor, demanding answers as to why this happened, is now being shown to the world. And... they're laughing their asses off.

Our state is really in a state of disrepair. I'm not laughing. I'm mesmerized.

Readers sound off. How do you feel our state is being portrayed in the national spotlight?


E! said...

Works for me!
He He Ha Ha!
They've been clowning around for years. Why not let the rest of the world in on the joke?
He He Ha Ha!

Razldazlrr said...

For those of us that follow Chicago and Illinois politics - we know how crazy it is here - it's truly amazing a President could get elected from this state. The national media really seems overly interested - maybe it's coz of Blagos hair!

RP4Life said...

The really sad part of it all, is that everyone responsible will probably get reelected if running.

mcl said...

IMO, 98% of the State Legislators are guilty of the very 'pay to play' way of doing business, they are impeaching Blago for. What a bunch of lying hypocrites. They all need to be thrown out of office!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Best question by one of the Senators yesterday.

Senator Gary Dahl: "Are there members of this tribunal on the wiretaps?"

The FBI agent couldn't answer that question.

Man On The Street said...

Well, honestly, it's pretty embarassing. The other day I read a post somewhere from a guy from Mississippi making fun of Illinois. Seriously? Mississippi? They just got SHOES there two years ago and WE'RE the butt of THEIR jokes??? WTF?

mcl said...

Read Kass today:,0,7604563.column

Chip Bagg said...

We get EXACTLY the politicians we deserve. And we deserve the national ridicule that is the result of our choices. Will Obama get the ridicule he deserves? Putting a tax cheat in charge of the IRS? Good move, Barry.

Big Daddy said...

Razldalrr- You are absolutely correct. How can anybody vote for someone who is a product of this system. As far as I'm concerned, if your from here, your tainted. As far as the national newsmedia having an interest in this, I suspect that's because they have a suspicion as to why the wire was pulled down so early just as the rest of us do. And I doubt it was to prevent Blago from doing anything. He went right ahead and did what they said they wanted to stop him from doing!

mcl said...

I think the Feds moved when they did because it was imminent, based on their wire surveillance, that he was going to announce the appointment of Rep.JJ Jr. to the Senate seat. That's what they stopped. This will come out at the criminal trial.

Ryne said...

The the rest of the country is laughing at us because there are many reasons to laugh, we have Rod running all over New York telling the country he is being framed, I don't have to tell any of you here about the local politicians we have, (we have the king of the fools in our ward) So they have every reason to laugh at us. We need to revaluate who we are putting in office in our city , county & state goverment.

CNB said...

Illinois is Shakespeare on steroids.

floss said...

Maybe we should top it off by electing a comedian for Senate.

Micah Seymour said...

Let's just take a step back here. I'm a bit upset with the way Illinois is being portrayed. I understand the media coverage, but for all 17 of us that live downstate these aren't Illinois problems -- they're Chicago problems.

Man On The Street said...

You are absolutely correct. How can anybody vote for someone who is a product of this system.

Which leaves not voting for anyone at all... EVERYONE out there is a product of this system. If you aren't a part of the system, you ain't even getting a chance. Go stand over there with Ray Wardingly. This is why I laugh when people keep suggesting Lisa Madigan for everything from mayor to governeror. Why? Cause she's young? Cause she looks like you best galpal from college? Her father is f*cking Mike Madigan!!! YOu think she ain't gonna be beholding to anybody? You think she's "clean"?

He'd never do it but right now the only locally connected guy I would have more than a little trust in is Patrick Fitzgerald and I'm sure he doesn';t want to run for anything.

Clark St. said...

Well, Blago's NYC media circus is certainly working!

I talked to someone from Ohio today & she was wondering why he wasn't allowed to call any witnesses.
I explained to her that he refused to give the Senate a witness list & that the US Attorney wouldn't let a few people be subpoenaed, but he could have asked them to testify & seen if they would.

BillyJoe'sBrain said...

I'm puzzled as to why people care about people in other states making jokes about IL politics. It's been this way for years. You all know how it works in Chicago, err, Illinois.

Dick Daley
Lisa Madigan
Todd Stroeger
J. Jackson Jr
J. Jackson Jr's wife
Any Mell

Anything stand out about these people? It's a little late for the outrage...

Big Daddy said...

I watched John Kass the other day on Chicago Tonight. He stated that the likely scenario is that when Pat Quinn becomes Governor, he will raise the state income tax. The Dem's will then throw him to the wolves because of the public out cry. They will then nominate Lisa Madigan. He also stated that Blago is not insane, that he is just like every other Illinois politician. Huge egos and are only in it for themselves and their friends.

Razldazlrr said...

These politicians do become huge ego maniacs and power mongers. Remember Clinton and the intern? LOL

RPdweller said...

Blago should start his own public relations firm once he's out of the gov's office.

It's entertaining. I can't blame the national media for focusing on it. But Illinois is hardly alone in it's corruption problems.

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