Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday with Timmy

Hey, Craig, I decided to stop so being negative (to make some people happy) for this week, so I thought I'd write about kids doing good things.

January 20: On Tuesday, things were pretty whacked up with the schedule change for the week but considerbly calm. Other then some loudness and a kid getting arrested for I don't know what (seemed pretty intense since there were about six cops near the kid and one officer yelling at the kid), it was pretty calm. On a more positive side, I observed students working on tests (day 1 of finals) and leaving the building right when they instructed to (4th/7th period students) when the final test for the day was done.

January 21: I've decided to be positive for today. On Wednesday, when I went to English class to do a test, I observed all of the kids in there doing their test and really paying attention to it. So, good job to them and hope all their finals go well.

January 22: Being positive again. On Thursday, I observed crowds of kids heading to their classes and other kids doing what they were told. Good job to all of those kids!

January 26: On Monday, things were a bit hetic. I'm not talking about the usual noisy kids. I'm talking about things like one of my classmates from the Autism room suffering a real bad seizure (it was so bad he had to go to the hospital). Then there were the schedule changes that got me a bit messed up. I have all the same classes that I had before but in my 7th period class, I had four more students from my classroom join me and another aide, so that class got crowded (it can only fit up to about 10 to 12 people). I'll get used to it after a while. Also, one kid got arrested after school. See the post "Unknown Disturbance at Sullivan". On a positive side, I observed kids in my English class do part 2 of a test without any disruptions, and they also worked hard. Good job to everyone doing the test and keep it up!

- Thanks,
Avondale/Logan Square Crime Blotter


I live here too said...


Stay Positive!

You are doing great!

AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Thanks, I live here too :-).

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