Monday, February 23, 2009

Pink Postcards - Return to Sender

Yesterday's blog had everyone in stitches. I got a few calls from some people that were happy I brought the "Pink Postcards" subject back up to the front burner. One newcomer to the neighborhood was still confused. She wanted to know more about the background of the "Pink Postcards." I sent her the past links to the story and she was totally shocked and appalled Joe Moore or any of his followers would do this. She told me she thought Joe was a good guy. She was even thinking of supporting him if he runs for reelection. But this "Pink Postcards" episode changed everything.

Another reader emailed me with just the opposite side. I knew this was one of those "Broken Heart' blog-haters right away. But I played along. I did the same thing and sent the links to the "Pink Postcard" story. The BH bog-hater emailed me back, asking if I followed up with Joe? I said I did, and I posted the link in the comments. I got a nasty reply back from my blog-hating reader saying they couldn't find it. The person blamed me for making Joe Moore look bad without showing a follow up to the subject.

Well, to help this person out - I figured I'd make this a front page story again. Thanks, reader. By the time I got to re-interview Joe Moore, he was campaigning for reelection right after he got elected. Watch the video as Joe evades the questions posed to him. Why would Joe Moore and his campaign deliberately send out a false mailer of bigotry against Don Gordon using Toni Duncans' address on a pink postcard?To this day Joe Moore has yet to speak about "Pink Postcards." Until he does, the question won't go away.
RELATED: Joe Moore won't talk. The evidence.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Notice how Joe Moore can't look me in the eye while making excuses why he can't talk.

That's the first sign of a professional liar.

Razldazlrr said...

Wow - that was hysterical - he completely ignored you and your questions - I guess it's easier to say they will "look into it" via email. You can just tell how uncomfortable he is and that he's lying. Any normal politician/business person would just answer your questions and move on.
Thanks Craig for looking out for the people!!

Unknown said...

Yeah, that just never gets old.

Save Street End Beaches said...

I'm guessing ACORN did it. Shifty bunch, don't supervise their "employees" well. Made a name for themselves in the last election with rogue "employees" filling out voter registrations.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Acorn helping Joe Moore in 2007.

Craig Gernhardt said...

More Acorn false information for Joe Moore in 2007.

Toni said...

Acorn, the NOH spies, the bad little boys who defected? Does it matter who actually penned it? Someone had to put the 'idea' in their minds, like the target man from DC. Go to the probable source. That was his claim to fame wasn't it? And who paid this for all of Joe's help?

been there said...

i wouldn't be able to look you in the eye, either. when you are talking to someone completely divorced from reality, you get nervous. some goes for talking to someone who hates your guts.

Save Street End Beaches said...

Actually, when I talk to crazy people (they always seem to want to chat me up at the bus stop) I look them in the eye, try to gauge what's going on behind the words. Nah, Joe doesn't think Craig is off, he knows Craig needles him with the truth. Joe hides behind the pretense of being civil, when the reality is, he is unable to present a cogent argument defending himself.

The pink postcard incident was despicable. The fact that Joe has never even condemned it speaks volumes to his complicity.

Craig Gernhardt said...

===i wouldn't be able to look you in the eye, either.===

I know. Because that the number one trait of a compulsive liar.

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