Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grifter with Inhaler Scam is Back

4:36 PM: Anonymous 911 caller. Loyola and Sheridan. Man on bike is begging for money for his inhaler.

Grifter Prowling the Neighborhood.
Grifter Still Running Same Old Scam.
The Grifter Stops Joe Moore.

Also: Earlier today, a person called 911 asking for a Sergeant. Seems the caller had a problem at the 49th ward Alderman's office. Wonder what all that was about? If you reading this, please fill us in.

4:50 PM: Foot chase. 2-911 callers say a male punches female and the police give chase. Offender runs west on Morse Avenue from Glenwood to Greenview. Offender heads south and gets caught. Crowd gathers at Farwelll and Greenview. Police ask for back-up to control the unruly mob.

5:01 PM: I'm on-scene. The crowd is angry at police -- who've arrested one person at this time. His name is Shorty and he's in handcuffs. Shorty won't cooperate with getting in the squad car -- so they bring in the Paddy Wagon. Shorty's friends take cell phone photos of what they believe is police brutality against Shorty. Young females are in tears and screaming Shorty is innocent. FYI: This is b-block country.

5:27 PM: Police car falls into massive pot-hole. Officer says the rear-end of the police vehicle is totally off the ground. Needs tow-truck to get squad car out of the hole. LOL.

5:40 PM: The poor "Juvie" has scratches on his face and needs to be taken to St. Francis Hospital to get "cleaned-up." I think they're talking about Shorty.

5:45 PM: Gang disturbance and Pratt and Greenview. Police arrive and mob runs from police north on Greenview.

5:48 PM: Where's the DevCorp Police Department when you need them? Another large group battery in progress. Multiple 911 callers. Large mob of young males are fighting at Morse and Greenview. It's absolute mayhem all over the street. But don't tell that to our new commander or Joe Moore. They think Morse Avenue is a bed of roses. FYI: This is b-block country. (Yes, the gang tag is still there.)


AvondaleLoganSquareCrimeBlotter said...

Ouch on the stuff involving the crowd of angry kids. I think I may know some kids that were in the crowd from Sullivan. But who knows. I hope they're not from Sullivan and if they are, I'm sure something will go down tomorrow.

backintherog said...

I lived on Lunt for 2 years, then moved across the border into Edgewater. Just signed up for a new place on Greenview between Morse and Farwell. Got a good deal, but also have to deal with this as well. Glad to see nothing's changed.

Unknown said...

That guy with the inhaler always ask "Do you speak English" before giving you his inhaler story. I ran into him today around 4; I run into him at least once a month.

Razldazlrr said...

I saw the several police cars heading that way yesterday down Farwell (going the wrong way) - almost got run over since they had no sirens on.
I had some guy stop me last week telling me about 3 different stories in one sentence - where do all these nuts come from when the weather changes???

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

This guy really needs to come up with a new grifting scheme. If I ran into him, I think I would say "Hey, I read about you online!"

Then perhaps ask for an autograph?

ms21 said...

This guy will keep going until the word is spread. A lot of people know of him by now, but we've got to keep information flowing.

I've found that he goes away if you respond to his initial query with "no hablo ingles." I also carry an extra inhaler for him, too.

Chip Bagg said...

That grifter guy (on a bicycle) hit me up last summer TWICE with his inhaler story. His story is STUPID! Who falls for that crap? Who carries an extra inhaler and who would give it away? If he is still using the same story, then it must be effective. Which means there are untold numbers of idiots and morons in Rogers Park giving him money. No surprise there. You people make me sick.

Man On The Street said...

Who falls for that crap?

Who stops to LISTEN to that crap? I might have met this guy but would never know it because I never stop for some random stranger who wants to tell me his story. What makes them thing I want to stop what I'm doing just to listen the them? I think it's pretty ridculous on their part and ridiculous for anyone to stop and listen to their story. Unless he's telling it really fast, how does anyone know that he needs an inhaler? He wouldn't get past the "Hey, man, can I talk to you for a minute?" part with me. Seriously, been through that a lot and actually stopped to listen, then one day it hit me: why am I talking to this guy? Now, I just say "no time" or a flat out "no" and keep walking. Who cares if I offend them by walking away?

backintherog said...

He puts on a performance. Kind of demands attention. It doesn't take him long to spill the whole story.

Plus, like someone said, the, "Do you speak English?" throws you a bit.

Man On The Street said...

He puts on a performance. Kind of demands attention. It doesn't take him long to spill the whole story.

I'm sorry, I must have developed a VERY thick skin over the years. Short of standing there bleeding to death, there is virtually NOTHING any guy off the street can say to me to get me to listen to even a second of his story. Innocuous comments like "Do you speak english" make it even more likely that i won't stop. I know this may sound like BS, but it's true. I have my scamdar I guess (sort of like gaydar but for scams) but I ignore most appraches on the street. True there have been times when I blew someone off and then realized a second later they were just looking for directions (and I did go back and help them), and I've even blown off those kids downtown seeking money for the rain forest or whatever they're soliciting for. But some guy on the street I don't know, especially in RP... I keep stepping and don't think twice. Well, I do immediatly brace myself for a second because there have been a few times when some innocent looking person stopped a stranger for directions, spare change, etc. and then proceeded to rob them. So for that reason, ignore. Seriously, why would you stop if someone approaches you on the street and says in clear English, "Do you speak English?" What do you think they could possibly want that is of importance to you.

bottom line, people: Most "excuse me, sir" or "excuse me, ma'am" lines are just that. Keep walking. If it turns out to be someone who really needed help and you blew them off, drop a few coins in the next church donation box you see to make up for it.

Razldazlrr said...

Yep - the excuse me maam/sir is a dead giveaway that the scam is to begin. If I lost my wallet or really needed bus fare, I certainly wouldn't say that! LOL I also just keep walking and don't listen to it. The only time they get me is when I'm standing outside the grocery with the dogs waiting on someone (I try to call someone quick on my cell!)

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

Razldazlrr, you're spot on with that assessment. I can see these types coming from a mile away, especially when they use lines like those.

They're likely counting on naive college kids and/or transplants fresh off the bus from Ohio to fall for their predatory tactics.

Man On The Street said...

That exceptionally-polite BS that you get from some stranger on the street is usually a dead giveaway.

I encountered one guy a few weeks ago who called me from across the street.

"Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, Sir!. Can I talk to you for a minute."

I slowed down and said "What"?

He continued: "I just want to talk to you for a minute."

It was then I figured out he wanted me to come across the street to talk to him. He wasn't wheelchair bound or in any visible pain. Just some guy standing there asking me to come to HIM. He wants ME to come to HIM to I can give HIM money.

I laughed and kept walking.

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