Friday, March 6, 2009

Joe Moore on Being Investigated... "I Welcome it!"

Joe Moore on FOX this Morning.

Interviewer: "You want to be investigated?..."

Alderman Joe Moore (49): "I'd welcome it!.... I'd welcome it! We need to weed out the bad apples..... We're an embarrassment.... We've been an embarrassment in the City of Chicago...."

Interviewer: "How is this possibly going to change?"

Alderman Joe Moore (49): "I think public pressure... I think at one point we have to bow to public pressure.... Quite frankly, it's embarrassing..."



Hugh said...

Me, too! Me, too!

No one shall be a bigger fake goo-goo than Joe Moore!

Moore is trying to get ahead of Machine hack Ald. Pat O'Connor who 2 weeks ago pledged before the editorial board of the Tribune to initiate an expansion of the Chicago Inspector General's authority to include aldermen.

Policing Chicago aldermen

February 22, 2009

Asked if he would lead a campaign to give the I.G. authority to investigate the council, O'Connor said he'll support "not a knee-jerk reaction to an editorial board as to how it should be done, but a resolution that says we need to look at what other cities do, we need to look at what other places do for inspector generals, and model it after something that works. Not something that just is being recommended."

Tribune: "So you'll start that effort?"

O'Connor: "I'm happy to start it."

Hugh said...

Rumbles of reform

March 1, 2009

O'Connor, a Democratic candidate in Tuesday's primary for the 5th Congressional District, responded Thursday by proposing two versions of a revised inspector general ordinance.

Hugh said...

The vote that established the City Inspector General but excluded alderman from his purview was 10/4/1989.


Moooe has had TWENTY YEARS to work on correcting this atrocity.

why the sudden interest???

Save Street End Beaches said...

Maybe now he'll explain (or be forced to explain) the pink postcards.

Hugh said...

we welcome it, too!

top things we'd like to see Joe Moore investigated for

The Pink Post Cards

Unusual series of large, short-term loans from Citizens for Joe Moore to convicted felon Bob Creamer

making the rounds of senior homes on early voting day with a wad of cash in his suit coat pocket, sponsoring "bingo tournament" cash prizes

dear readers, kindly add YOUR suggestions for areas of investigation in the comments


Unknown said...

Blago also welcomed being investigated

Hugh said...

we'll all be watching to read the ground-breaking transparency ordinance Master Legislator Joe Moore introduces at the next City Council meeting Wed March 18

Hugh said...

link corrected

Unusual series of large, short-term loans from Citizens for Joe Moore to convicted felon Bob Creamer

Craig Gernhardt said...

Please, Investigate what Joe Moore knew about the off the IRS books/real estate deal with Gateway and DevCorp North.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Investigate the deal with Coe/1448 West Morse and Joe Moore/Aronson/DevCorp North/CPAN.

Craig Gernhardt said...

See, Joe Moore can't do anything. He said it himself.

Change will only happen with public pressure.

I'm doing my part. What about YOU?

Edgewater Crime Blotter said...

Great. I suggest Joe Moore and 46th Ward Alderman Shiller as the first of the lot to be investigated.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Investigate how Wayne Frasier collects a city pay-check and is on Joe Moore's political campaign payroll too.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Check the paperwork on how Cary Steinbuck got her job with the city. I betcha Joe was involved?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Remember the Adelphi? What about Chad and Joe?

Ryne said...

Did I hear that fat bastard joey moore say " The mayor should tell the aldermen where all the stimulus money is going"

Maybe joey should explain to the voters of the ward what he spent the 35,000 dollars on. You have to love our elected officials they all point the finger at the other guy! While they need to look at themselves.

As the Tribune reported the other day, the city of Chicago has not submitted a request for stimulus funds.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Investigate Joe on how he spend his "menu money" the last 10 years.

I live here too said...

Isn't that what Bla-son-of a-bitch said like a day or two before he was indicted?

Toni said...

Was he talking super fast or is it just me? He mentioned pot holes. How many calls to the ward office, emails, and 311 calls did it take to fix the Hole on Howard?

Hugh said...

Interviewer: "How is this possibly going to change?"

Alderman Joe Moore (49): "I think public pressure... I think at one point we have to bow to public pressure."

oh, I get it - it's OUR fault the alderman have been able to immunize themselves from IG investigation for two decades - not the fault of an ALDERMAN of 17 years - we haven't been applying enough PUBLIC PRESSURE!

gosh, I feel bad

Hugh said...

so that's what got Moore off his ass on this issue after 17 years - public pressure?

floss said...

President Clinton thought he could philander like President Kennedy in the post-Nixon era.

Welcome to the post-Blago era, Mr Moore.

The North Coast said...

Why am I so cynical about the proposed ordinance? Somehow, I can't help but feel that no effort on the part of the city is going to do anything to clean up our politics because too many city jobs rely on political connections and too many powerful people have a big stake in things as they are.

I only hope Patrick Fitzgerald can build a convincing paper trail that will lead to the toppling of any corrupt pol in this city. But so far, we have nothing.

Regarding Clinton's philandering- it is too bad that a pol can be nailed for his purely personal life. As long as they leave kids and animals alone, it doesn't matter squat to me who a pol sleeps with. It's nobody's business, and if Clinton had had guts and principles, he would have said as much and would have flatly refused to answer questions relating to his personal life.

The worst thing about cases like that of Spitzer and Clinton is that the public gained nothing, while the only people really harmed by the philandering, namely the wives involved, had to bear unspeakable public humiliation. Spitzer was doing good and important work going after corrupt Wall STreet firms as governor, and that had nothing to do with his sex life, which was harmless to the public. But the discovery of it was very hard on his wife, who should have been spared.

I really wish the American public would eschew scandal-mongering and look seriously at what their elected officials are doing that really affects their performance. Nixon was faithful to his wife- who in the hell else would have him after all-but he gravely injured his office and threw the country into turmoil. Clinton, on the other hand, left us with the only budget surplus we've had in 35 years and I frankly could have done without knowing about his sordid sex life.

Razldazlrr said...

north coast - disagree - Public elected officials in high office put themselves out there for scrutiny and review. Spitzer did some great things and some horrible - going after people who had done nothing. He was a huge hypocrite!
Clinton? Are you kidding? Fooling around with an intern? He left with a budget surplus but the security of the country was left wide open and we had 9/11.
Joe Moore? He and several other Alderman should definitely be investigated - he never answers a question with a direct response. It's always he'll look into it etc. Maybe the people have really and finally had enough from the politicians!

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