Thursday, April 9, 2009

Convicted Felon Still Plays Dirty Politics

Is the “Jan/Bob” Political Machine manipulating your vote? Source/Read more.


Craig Gernhardt said...

There's really TWO machines in Chicago. Mayor Daley's and Aunt Jan's.

Both are equally evil in how they restrict the "barriers of entry" into politics.

If you're not in their camp then you don't get elected.

The electorate has little to say about it.

Big Daddy said...

I agree, she is part of an evil organization but yet people here will vote members of that organization into office time after time. Like how they voted for Quigley to replace Rahm Emmanuel. One machine insider to replace another machine insider. It goes on and on and never ends.

libby said...

Quigley is an insider? You're kidding, right? The insiders in the 5th CD race were O'Connor, Fritchey and Feigenholtz. To their credit, Fritchey and Feigenholtz's actually ran campaigns. O'Connor sort of phoned it in, maybe expecting the heavy hand of the Mayor to do the lifting for him. Who knows

It's true that Quigley started his career in a cozier relationship with the Mayor et al, but if you've followed his career since Helen narrowly defeated him for 46th Ward Alderman, you'd know he's more a burr in the ass of the machine. And thank goodness.

Quigley also took the lead, calling out the abuses of TIF districts. That's not the kind of issue you take on if you want to make nice with da Mayor or win insider perks.

Anonymous said...

Quigley also took the lead, calling out the abuses of TIF districts.................

DUH? Isn't that what he was voted in by the voters to do?

Are we suppose to praise and worship politicians because they are doing their job that they are supposed to be doing??

Give me a break.

MadeInRogersPark said...

Is this Jan that oppose the Iraq War but supports the militarization of public schools. Oh yes it is - see her outside Rickover Naval Academy cutting ribbons. She is the biggest phoney in Illinois!I will never ever vote for her. People really need to look at what politicians really do - they support their own personal agendas once elected!

backintherog said...


Worship? No.

Praise? Why not?

libby said...

Rosanna, I'm afraid you don't have a very good time line on Quigley, TIF reform and the Mayor. Taking the lead against the expressed interests of this Mayor is more often a career-killer. So yeah, props to a guy who took one on the chin for us. And his staff, too for that matter. You think what Quigley did was all in a day's work? Go give Ms. Gainer a call, Quigley's appointed successor, and see how far you get with her about a reform agenda. Let us know how it goes ;-)

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