Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Campaign Contributions Down Too?

Ever since Carol Marin was breathing down Joe Moore's neck, he's been real quiet about the business of zoning and land use.
February 2009: No pending zoning or land use matters.

March 2009: No pending zoning or land use matters.
Funny what a little story on "Pay to Play" will do.


Craig Gernhardt said...

In the last six months of 2008, (7/1/2008 to 12/31/2008) the Citizens for Joe Moore report 72 itemized contributions totaling $44,066.00.

A majority of the money came from developers and lobbyist, including Bank of America and Com Ed PAC's.

There is a recession. Even in campaign fund-raising.

Razldazlrr said...

It's hard to believe Bank of America can give money to anyone. Joe is probably staying low since the TV show - LOL!

Bosworth said...

Rumor has it the police commander has invited the Mayor to join our neighborhood walk NOH before our monthly CAPS meeting this Thursday. Watch Joe show for that!

Unknown said...

Another opportunity for the mayor to make fun of Joe in a public setting.

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