Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blogger ticketed for having restrained dogs

The Chicago Police must really have it out for dog owners on the North side.  I'm lucky my new rescue puppy didn't get shot by the dog hating copper - like the puppy owner's pet in Uptown.

Instead I got ticketed December 11, 2012 by our local pony-tailed 2431 beat cop for violating City of Chicago ordinance 7-12-030. Yet, on the ticket, the pony-tailed officer wrote down my dog was leashed, totally going against what the ordinance says on he books.

What a crock of shit. And, a good waste of our tax-payer's money, for actual police service.

You know, to "serve and protect." What's he protecting the public on here, two leashed dogs? Give me a break. He's no better that the officer how wrongly accused me - and which I defended myself  - on this bogus charge.

I believe this lame cop has it out for me - and he proved his point last night. Or this prick, pony-tailed officer in Beat 2431 hates pit-bull puppies? Either way, it's a total jag-off written, bogus ticket; with all the shit that goes down in the 1400 block of west Morse Avneue on a nightly basis.

Shootings... Muggings.... Robberies.... And, Gidget. You get the picture.  Unless you want me to be an Everyblock neighorbor and hold your hand by providing all the links.

This Chicago Police officer who works Morse Avenue at night must've come from the same graduating class of police officers who wrote a $100,000 dollars worth of parking tickets on a cheap $600.00 car. Why do actual police work?  Go for the easy target.  Admit and accept it. Be a Mayor Rahm revenue collector. That's all this officer is good for.

I've never seen him chase down and break up a gun battle or a robbery on Morse. I'm lucky to see this guy pull his head from his newspaper as he lounges in his squad car all night. When he's not writing parking tickets.

BLOGNOTES: More to come on this story as I try to gather the Greenview/Morse police pod footage from around 6:10 p.m. to 6:22 p.m. That's if the camera was working at the time and I can get the footage before my court date. I went back and actually retraced what he told me he was ticketed me for and what I know he saw.

Which is nothing to be ticketed for under the citation he issued to me on December 11, 2012 at 6:19 p.m. Event number 12586.


Craig Gernhardt said...

For the record. I'm now going to patrol the neighborhood keeping track of every unleashed dog and running a story on it. That includes Mary Bao and Don Gordon, who regularly lets their dogs run free, off-leash.

The gloves have come off.

RPSlayer said...

Maybe if you weren't such a pain in the ass people would be less inclined to fuck with you.

Dr. Edward Carson said...

Let me get this straight: you broke the law and got a ticket? It would seem fair, then. I would highly doubt they would lie just to point you out. It's not as if you've been a nuisance to the police in any way. I often call on people who are walking their dogs off leash because it is illegal and dangerous. Especially by the lakefront. It's not for people's protection, it's for the dog's protection.

Best of luck getting security footage from the police over a leash law violation. I'm sure they'll be more than accommodating. You should ask if the beat facilitators in the area would be willing to lend a hand.

Best regards,

Dr. Edward Carson

Craig Gernhardt said...

@Dumb Doc Carson. Who I believe is sock-puppet Hugh Devlin, in the 50th ward.

The dogs were leashed. Read the story, you moron.

As for this Dr. Carson. I never heard of you. I hope your medical practice isn't on Yelp. I'd give you the "this doctor is totally quack" review.

Dr. Edward Carson said...

I don't know who Hugh Devlin is and I am a professor of sociology at Loyola University. Look me up any time.

Good luck with your blog. It's very entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I'm an OFF LEASH advocate. My dog walks off leash all the time and I will continue to do so.
If you're afraid, FUCK YOU and cross to the other side of the street.


Chip Bagg said...

Your dog was leashed. But were you holding onto the leash? Something here doesn't add up. Thanks for posting the link to the ordinance. I will be using that against the dog owners in my building who regularly let their dogs piss and shit within the confines of our courtyard while running free with and without leashes.
Are "events" like yours 12586 available on line for us to read?

Unknown said...

Bro that sucks. Cops suck. Rahm sucks. Bao and Gordon suck. They all suck. Get that pod video and bring it to court. Nail that prick pony-tail cop's ass to the wall. You pull a lot of shit Bro but this time you are being fucked royal. Get those other motherfuckin dog walkers who get a free fuckin ride Bro.

Unknown said...

I thought pony tail only wrote out citations for talking on cellular phones while driving? Last I heard, there were criminal incidents occurring on Morse Avenue, no? Unbelievable. Take it to court my friend.

PhilHayShow said...

Craig, I am not really sure what is going on with your ticket incident. Your story is a bit disjointed and you appear to be a bit emotional about your own involvemet. Conversely, regarding the Lakeview incident, I support that CPD officer who fired the shots at the "Bull Terrior" since it was 100% the dog owners fault for not having his possibly violent dog on a leash.

rogerspark60645 said...

Hi Craig, Could I respectfully request that you not post Loyola Playmates' comments with my picture attached? I have no problem with this person expressing their opinions or with their choice of a name. However, I shop, work, and live in the neighborhood and I do not want my image attached to this persons' spew. I am not sure what made me the object of their fixation but they need to change their picture. Thank you.

rogerspark60645 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

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