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Leash-less dog owner Michael James with Gidget enabling Katy Hogan. |
JUST THE FACTS: Yes, Michael James had his dog off-leash, walking from the Heartland Cafe at Lunt and Glenwood to his home at Lunt and Greenview - as he's done so many times before.
But he didn't get a ticket.
911 transcripts will prove he openly admitted to the police his dog was off leash. But, being politically connected, it will be brushed under the rug by the police. That's just how it goes. Fuck the little blogger, we'll ticket him and jam his ass to the wall. But, the President of the 49th Ward Democratic Committee, we'll let this slide.
Michael James gets a free pass. So much for living in a socialist type of neighborhood and questioning authority. Or the police.
BLOGNOTES: The gloves have just begun to come off. Michael James was the first punch on this dog issue. Don't believe me. Request for the 911 tapes from 6:10 pm to 6:15 pm tonight — in beat 2431. I made the call. I even let the offender plead his guilt on the same phone.
Michael James admits his dog was off leash at the time of the 911 call I made on him as I handed my cell phone over to Michael James, to let him admit guilt to the 911 operator, as he so openly did on record.
I did it all face-to-face. He admitted his own guilt and he should be ticketed just as I was. Who's going to be next.? I've just begun to scorch the issue of Rogers park neighbors violating 7-12-030.
After all, this is what the police find as public enemy #1 in CAPS beat 2431. Unless you're politically connected, like Michel James. Then you can admittedly walk your dog off leash anytime you want.
This is really low. Finger pointing and threats on a blog? This could be one of the lowest forms of "journalism" and community advocacy I've ever seen. A shame. I had heard good things about this blog with its relation to Rogers Park. It seems to be nothing but a bunch of snarling and snapping to me.
@Craig.Well I have seen that there are hills to die on and there are some not worth the fight. Not sure this is the hill to die on.
Better just to let whoever did the offence to you to feel bad. If we just do whats right that's all we can do sometimes.
Hard to fight "city hall", I've tried it and it didn't work.
Michael James is a played out ugly sloppy slovenly stinking maggot-infested pile of communist vomit. He clearly considers himself an RP celebrity of sorts and thus, above the law. As one of the leading communists in our neighborhood, he will be protected by the jack-booted po-po thugs who do NOT "serve and protect". They merely "show up (sometimes) and take reports".
@"Doctor" E.C. - with all due respect, please put on a latex glove and insert your middle finger up your own ass. And enjoy.
You go, Craig.
Good Job Craig!! I too am sick of the 49th Ward hypocrisy of Michael James and Alderman Joe Moore. These two both present themselves as "Great Reformers" of society, but in practice they abuse their power and influence for their own personal gains. Ultimately, their abusive acts aggrevate their posture as reformers. As Orwell said "Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad" which quickly deteriorates to "Two Legs Good, Four Legs Bad"
Wow, I'm kinda glad all I have are stupid ass college kids and cab drivers in my neck of Rogers Park.
Chip Bagg said "Michael James is a played out ugly sloppy slovenly stinking maggot-infested pile of communist vomit. He clearly considers himself an RP celebrity of sorts and thus, above the law."
I will agree to some degree with your statement. Mainly that the law is what the police decide it is. Some laws just wont be enforced as much as others and sometimes at the whim of the police. I tried to get them to enforce the law that cars arent supposed to be parked RIGHT at the CROSSWALK of an intersection and I just got blank stares and some stupid explanation as to why it was okay from the office I spoke to.
Check out how close to the intersection cars just sit at Morse and Ashland at all times of the day and never get ticketed.
petty (ˈpɛtɪ)
— adj , -tier , -tiest
trivial; trifling; inessential: petty details
of a narrow-minded, mean, or small-natured disposition or character: petty spite
minor or subordinate in rank: petty officialdom
law of lesser importance
Go ahead Gernhardt and push it. We have the original missing dog report with date, description and location. Witnesses are willing to testify if the "thief" is found. You want trouble? We can do big fucking trouble. Just keep pushing and we will make your day.
pep·per (ppr) n.
1. Black pepper.
2. Any of several plants of the genus Piper, as cubeb, betel, and kava.
3. a. Any of several tropical American, cultivated forms of Capsicum frutescens or C. annuum, having podlike, many-seeded, variously colored berries.
b. The podlike fruit of any of these plants, varying in size, shape, and degree of pungency, with the milder types including the bell pepper and pimiento, and the more pungent types including the cherry pepper.
4. Any of various condiments made from the more pungent varieties of Capsicum frutescens, such as cayenne pepper, tabasco pepper, and chili. Also called hot pepper.
5. Baseball A warm-up exercise in which players standing a short distance from a batter field the ball and toss it to the batter, who hits each toss back to the fielders. Also called pepper game.
6. A moron who makes stupid meaningless comments on blogs.
tr.v. pep·pered, pep·per·ing, pep·pers
1. To season or sprinkle with pepper.
2. To sprinkle liberally; dot.
3. To shower with or as if with small missiles. See Synonyms at barrage2.
4. To make (a speech, for example) lively and vivid with wit or invective.
5. To make idiotic lame comments on blogs.
@ Patrol Officer B: Have a donut or two and chill. I hate smelling hot bacon so late at night. On the other hand you probably smell pretty good around 6 A.M.
Oink oink oink. Grunt grunt. Oink.
Hey bigmouth. Come on back to your friends at CAPS. We will treat you with the respect that you deserve. Leave little mouse-fart Chip Bagg at home. Too bad he was neutered in preschool. Or was it some kind of early childhood trauma that turned him into a squeaky little troll? My cat's hair balls have bigger cojones than he does.
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