Friday, December 14, 2012

Latin Kings and GD's going head-to-head at Senn

Rogers Park's very own Mr. Woodard, looking for the next Watergate story on the local blogs.
Hey, Benji, Mr. DNAinfo ace reporter. The shit's going down at Senn High School this Friday afternoon. The GD's and Latin Kings are about ready to cause hell in the neighborhood. Even the Alderman is pissed and calling the police for protection of this area.

Quick, go steal this information I provided you, and write the story as you were the one breaking the news. You're getting good at that.

BLOGNOTES: Oh, another breaking story for you to dig your teeth into. There's a death investigation at 1351 West Greenleaf. I'm sure with your nose for news, you should be able to dig up something.


RPSlayer said...

Shut up you fucking piece of shit. Thanks for listening to the scanner but I'm pretty sure the police had it covered without you writing about it. On this day of all days to try and use a potential outbreak of violence at a school to attack someone else? Fuck you, you selfish fucking bastard.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Benji. Are you hiding under the RPSlayer name? Are you upset because I'm calling you out for being a neighborhood blog, internet searching journalist?

Don't feel bad or mad. The Tribune and Sun-Times do the same thing. Maybe you'll get a job there someday?

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

If it bleeds it leads, I can see why people cover the violent crime or deaths, I got tons of hits for the metra train death. And you can see all the various ways that people are googling looking for info. Very weird.

I hope some day Sullivan wont be such a crappy highschool. Its so out of keeping with the neighborhood, the school is bringing the area down.

RPSlayer said...

You are both a couple of narcissistic selfish fucktards. I hope you both rot. This post and its timing are disgusting. You are both tasteless, clueless asshats.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

Spread the word Craig!
Create a special blog post! We have to pull together and vote to make this happen, even everyblockers have to pitch in!

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

@RP Slayer
Easy on the swearing dude, none of us are happy about the school shooting that you are alluding to. That goes without saying.

Unknown said...

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Easy does it. I've read this blog for a long time, including before it went dark for a while and I have to say it really is a shame to see you posting something of this nature today, Craig. Whatever beef you or Jeff have with Ben from DNAinfo, maybe it could wait a little while?

Jeff, your blog has been great and you've got a lot of great and informative posts. I've followed it since you emailed me a few months ago with the link. Good work on that. I'd hate to see you turn petty like the Morse Hellhole seems to have turned.

Craig, your blog has really taken a personal and vindictive turn and it's a shame. To post an attack on someone today is probably not what anyone would agree is in good taste. That said, you've done some good things and shed light on a lot of issues that needed to be in the spotlight in the past but lately you seem intent on shining a spot-light on anyone who annoys you. Heck, me posting this might result in the same negative limelight.

I think everyone has the best intent. But please, please consider the context and the environment in which you unleash your attacks. As Jeff said earlier this week: some hills aren't worth dying on.

Unknown said...

This posting went too far over the edge even for me. Fucking sick. A bitchy psychopath fueled by envy and hatred fed by a sociopath lacking one ounce of empathy or decency. No wonder this blog fascinates a twisted troll from Loyola's psych department. The three of you deserve one another.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

Thanks John V.
And when the fancy strikes you, you are allowed to comment on Chevanston.

Gonzo Rock, whats up?
Blogger Groupies are what they used to be. :(

Now we have Gonzo and Patrol Officer B. Bummer.

Chip Bagg said...

A very personal message to all you limp-dicked leftists.


We do not seek to persuade you. We seek to CRUSH you.

Unknown said...

Did somebody say groupie? I toured with Phish and later I followed some really cool bands in the early 2000's. This place seemed like a pretty cool place to hang out except the guys here are kind of jerks. It's like one of them never had a strong father figure and another lives with his mother. Total bummer. I wish they were cooler.

Patrol Officer B. said...

Hey Isadora nice pf. If you like cool forget these losers. Take a test ride with a cop. PM me MoonlightLonetree.

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