Friday, December 14, 2012

No need for the dogs anymore

Recently a Chicago Police officer ticketed me for owning a couple of leashed pit-bull dogs, while I was at 1442 West Morse Avenue.  I felt it was " jam Craig the blogger ticket," and the officer used my dogs as dupes to hassle me. Funny thing,  I've used protective dogs to make sure no one invades my space, or jumps me without warning; for at least 15 years. In Uptown on Wilson from 1994 to 1999, and since then, in Rogers Park. I've been a target of the GD gangs for years, I've had GD'rs pull a gun on me — and the police, who won't protect me.

Read the past blog posts here for the last 8 years. You'll see the big picture. This neighorhood isn't all pretty rainbow's and cute kitties.

The GD's hassle me, and the police are afraid of the ACLU defending these GD's, who claim they're just hanging out on the street corner for hours on end. That's what the beat cops in 2431 say to me face-to-face, at those lame CAPS meetings.

The gangs rule this city and I'm a little pawn who writes about it in on a little neighborhood website in Rogers Park.

So, as the constitution says, under the second amendment -  I can protect myself. Here's my blognotes.

BLOGNOTES: I say, to officer Ponytail. Now that "conceal and carry" as been ruled legal by the highest court, the beat cops in 2431 better check my pants the next time you pull me over and harass me.  Get out of your police car and do some actual police work. I don't need dogs for you to write me lame tickets for. Search me - and my crotch next time. I may be packing heat.

Legally, of course.


Unknown said...

Oh wow. Craig: is today really about you? Have you turned on the news? Or are you simply trying to bait people into fierce discussions that you can puppeteer?

Either way, regarding the topic/picture in your post: it's pretty classless.

Shame on you.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I've also been wearing a bullet-proof vest - when I walk the dogs for the past eight year's down Morse Ave. That's not illegal, either.

My pit-bull's can't stop those damn flying bullets from flying around the neighborhood, and somehow hitting you or I by chance. I always have back-up.

And anyone who moves to East Rogers Park, by Morse Avenue, should invest in a bullet-proof vest, too.

Craig Gernhardt said...

@John V: Thanks for following the Broken Heart of Rogers Park from your Milwaukee and Armitage. I know I've got readers city-wide. Stat-counter tells me so.

We welcome all critics who will show their face to a name. Thanks for contributing to the conversation.

Unknown said...

Hi Craig. I live in Rogers Park on Ashland and Farwell. My profile picture has me in front of the Portage because that's where a film I recently directed premiered last summer.

We've met before, actually. So this blog and the people you talk about are people I know. The issues you talk about: some of them actually affect me. Some of them affect people I know.

With that said: try to keep it real and effective. To me, this blog as of late give me the impression that you want to embrace the "hellhole" and/or just throw a grenade into the pond to see how many fish come up dead.

Don't make this about you. Make it about Rogers Park. Heck, it's your blog, but I guarantee you'll get a lot more serious feedback and participation here if you attempt to be constructive.

It's a shame because I remember a time when a lot of real neighbors were actually participating in the discussions. It would be nice to see that in the future. If not, it could continue down the path of being a "sock-puppet" filled clown-show.

Thank you for the welcome. I'll be around.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

Just as Michael whoever of Heartland Cafe is a local celebrity so is Craig. He shouldn't be singled out by the cops whatsoever.

He has done alot for Rogers Park as a whole and they (the cops) need to get a grip. Craig we know is not going to going to back down from a fight.

On the other hand its good to cover some other stuff too.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

Hey John V.

Nice to see you outside of the Village Message Board. If you havent checked out Chevanston, maybe you have been living under a rock. ;)

Signed JeffO.

Unknown said...

Step aside Batman and Robin. Craig-O and his little sidekick Jeff-O are taking over Blogger City. The Hellhole's ambiguously bitchy couple. Masturbation is good fun but it gets sick when you do it in public on a fourth-rate blog. Keep beating off boys. You write really irrelevant shit. Hopefully it keeps the two of you out of trouble.

Patrol Officer B. said...

Hey pussyboys, show up at the next CAPS meeting and we'll fry your baloney for you. You don't need dogs or guns. You need some TLC. We can give you some of that in the lockup with a couple of GDs if you step out of line. They will give you all the TLC you need. Losers.

Unknown said...

Hi JeffO,

Read my post in the previous thread.

Unknown said...

it looks like you are getting to the cops craig. seems pretty bad when threats are made by local police on the internet. everyone needs to keep their panties on and lighten up. there are much larger problems in the neighborhood versus picking on a blogger.

Chip Bagg said...

I could literally weep with joy.
Freedom wins, despite the forces of the left alligned against it.

Fuck you, El Presidente Nobama
Fuck you, Sentaturd Turbin
Fuck you, Govenor Goober
Fuck you, Mayor Rahmbo
Fuck you, Alderscum Moron

(formerly the U.S.A)

Unknown said...

Hey Chip Bag isn't it time to put away your Gameboy and laptop? You got school in the morning don't you? You don't want to miss the short bus do you? How old are you? 13, 14? Does your Mommy know you are up this late LOL? Craig you sure got some interesting little friends.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs