Monday, December 17, 2012

Local residents bash Pillar's Social Cafe on neighborly website

Charlie Didrickson 
"Why should we all rally around misguided businesses that are all mediocre at best? I'm tired of people telling me I have to support something because it's "local" I will support it, as others will if it is GOOD. I know what it's like to try and run an underfunded business here in Rogers Park and it's not easy for a whole host of reasons. If Pillars really signed a lease for $7000 a month for what turned out to be an enormous, poorly laid out coffee shop with the comfort and warmth of a retirement home, too bad.
The fact that it's made from recycled whatever and everything else is a buzzword and concept that is a footnote, not WHY people will go there. The place always looks closed because the nifty recycled benches are constructed to look like chairs up ended on tables like they are cleaning. How about a SIGN out front??? If you are just driving by you have NO IDEA what that place is.
Hi welcome to Pillars (whatever that means) the bench you are sitting on is made from old stuff and we have artisanal soda and cage free chicken. I'll be right back, but in the mean time have a look around at all the NOTHING on the walls! Speaking of WALLS why is everything hidden behind one?
They need more than a "local focus group" they need to hire someone who knows how to run a restaurant."
BLOGNOTES:  The moderators must be asleep at the wheel over at Everyblock dot com. This Everyblockhead poster has violated at least four Everyblock rules in one post. And the other neighbors are all agreeing.

How unneighborly is that? Everyblock dot com has turned into the new Rogers Park hellhole. What happened to all the lost kitty and rainbows over the lake posts? 


Unknown said...

I have virtually no formal education except my doctorate and also my license to perform marriage ceremonies from the online Church of Urban Humanism so please don't get upset if I point this out (I mean no harm.) But your headline contains a grammatical error. Residents, not resident's.

50th Ward Lord Orc of Darkness said...

Poor Charlie. Sounds like it's his "time of the month" or something got stuck up his ass or he is auditioning for a reporter/columnist spot at Hellhole. He'd fit right in. Charlie is pure 49th Ward bitch boy.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

Yeah I thought the comments there to day weren't very nice. Its just business as usual with the gossip. News by means of gossip. Pillars Social Cafe maybe is just too good for Rogers Park.

I think lots of landlords would love to have them. The landlord there is being stupid. You have to subsidize an area until it makes it sometimes. Too many commercial landlords are too greedy.\

Take a look at Evanston they put a freaking TIF into Ward 8 Wine Bar.
We don't see that level of investment into Rogers Park businesses, do we?

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

I think the Moderators got burned out trying to keep Rogers Park Everyblock "neighborly", because its impossible.

Poor Becca got burned out? Who knows, but MSNBC probably figured its cheaper to chill on the moderation and they saw they were losing too many pageviews or whatever.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks, Miss Isadora Edit.

mcl said...

How about a Burger King in the space?

Unknown said...

Hey no problem Craig! I really enjoy this blog so whatever I can do to help I'm happy to do, man. I used to write mock Rolling Stone articles when I was touring with a couple of bands in the late 90's and I got real good at editing. Phillip, just to keep it real, it's "it's" - not "its" when you mean to say "it is." "its" is for the possessive. Oh dang here I go again!

Unknown said...

Bro hows about some new news OK? Lots of crazy shit on EB today. Why don't you post some of it? Jeffy's blog is getting sort of weird about real estate and birds eating other birds. Hey Isadora you wanna get married? Just for 24 hours OK?

Unknown said...

Hey Gonzo I've been trying to avoid bad boys for a while and it's been working out. But you seem nice, so YES. I do. The only problem is that I might be married still. I got married to a guy named Bob who I worked with at an ice-shanty dealership up in Spring Green, Wisconsin. I think he died in a fishing accident last year because I got some weird papers in the mail but I'll double check. Wow this blog is more romantic than I thought!

Charlie Didrickson said...

Bash? That was an honest to oh my goodness heartfelt review of the Pillars. Something funny is going on in that place.

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