Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Attempted mugging at Morse 'L'

Around 10:20 p.m. January 22, 2013, a female was nearly mugged in front of the Morse Avenue 'L' entrance, but the crime was interrupted by her male companion who fended off the attack and held the offender until police arrived and arrested the individual.

Both the female and male companion were shaken up by the incident, but not injured.


Unknown said...

Bro stick to what you know how to do. Pizza delivery boys will never be even rinky dink news reporters. Is this a joke?

Maureen said...

Some of us appreciate people that report hyper local-news especially crimes like this. I had no idea Rogers Park was as dangerous as it is.

Chip Bagg said...

What does "nearly mugged" mean?

Organic peregrine terra cotta bricolage cruelty- free locally outsourced maple nut crunch said...

This Gonzo guy, and myself are a perfect example of how the psychiatric industry has failed us all.

Benji said...

Hyper-local News Flashes. Photos taken by a former Chicago social photographer suggest that a high-profile and "out" West Coast Writer/Actor had an undefined relationship with a local Rogers Park pizza delivery boy. Details are sketchy.

Two unleashed dogs were seen taking a dump on Glenwood just south of Lunt.

An unreported near-assault may have happened within one block of a local church.

Anonymous said...

To Craig-

Please continue to post. Despite adversity and negative commentary.

The world is made up of all types. All shapes. All forms. And all with opinions.

It is the real state of society where when an open forum is posted- the first person to express an opinion is always the first person to be attacked for that exact freedom. The first amendment, (which I hope we all know is the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference.), is the strongest amendment to date.

Your blogs are worthy Craig. They are relevant. They are an expression of your viewpoint. Which is your constitutional right. I don't agree with all of them... and that is my right...

To those that respond to Craig's posts in a negative and personally insulting nature toward Craig himself... you also are utilizing your constitutional right to express. However your constitutionally protected opinion gets lost in hate, personal insults, and rhetoric. Those "bad" qualities are societal choices not governmental liberties.

Express yourself, without sacrificing and demeaning your American given right to do so. State your case without judgement and your voice will be heard more clearly.

Just my thoughts.. which I am as well constitutionally allowed to express. Good fate wishes to all of you :)

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