Thursday, July 19, 2007

* Newest Hate Blogger?

We've got a live one out there. He calls himself Satan. Lucifer Satan. And he's been sending his website around to various people. Gotta love these creative evil-doer types. Could this be the man from the dark side?

BLOGNOTES: Even if this isn't the new blogger, he is the person who called us assholes.


Anonymous said...

Why do you think this is Brettly? The photo tag looks nothing like him.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Check the very similar style of writing, special USE OF CAPS, and use of !!! points in Brettly's latest blog entry.

Craig Gernhardt said...


Brettly says....> "George W. Bush is an ASSHOLE and some one needs to tell him."

Craig Gernhardt said...

Brettly says....> " I mean really it's the least most of us can do, considering the runners in the group train at 6 am every Saturday.

Example #2. His girlfriend is training for the Aids Marathon. The only thing that matters to this homophobic character is that we support his girlfriend who get's up and runs at 6 a.m. every Saturday. Not worrying the whole mission is raising money to stop a serious disease.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Obviously, this is the type of worker Katy Hogan and Michael James look for in a employee.

neocynic said...

The mug shot on NASTA's site is Timothy McVeigh?

Heartland people don't hate gay people. No homophobia mindset there.

Does McVeigh convey the way we say,

I HATE!!!!!!! so much lately in RP?

Amy said...

Check the very similar style of writing, special USE OF CAPS, and use of !!! points in Brettly's latest blog entry

Yes, he's probably the only person on the Intertubes who uses both caps and exclamation points. Clearly you've got your man, inspector!

Craig Gernhardt said...

You got any better clues Sherlock? Prove me wrong.

Mark Fletcher said...

INNOCENT before proven guilty Craig, innocent before proven guilty!!!!!!

Craig Gernhardt said...

Good one Mark. Here's food for thought. Wouldn't it be more straight-up to say who you are? I do.

But this person has to mask himself behind a disguise and spread hate-speech comments. This is a system of Joe's mob.

This person clearly is someone who dislike Gordon, dislikes me and dislikes anyone who thinks Joe, Katy and Michael are bad for the ward.

This person has only come aboard since I've followed the wrong-doings of Michael and Katy.

Brettly signed on defending his bosses.

This has the marking of Brettly all over it. But I would never expect him or the person who did this site to actually admit it. Would you?

Anonymous said...

Do see the discussed similarities in capitolization and punctuation, but this could be another ploy. Keep in mind that someone has been posing as me, Rebecca, Pamela and EOE. Someone started a blog with Craif Gernfardt as the author.

Whose to say they haven't used Brettly's latest post as the culprit? Brett has always posted in defence of the Heartland, but has never in my recollection posted on issues concerning our incumbant. Do you have an email address to lead you to believe this is the same person?

Anonymous said...

That being said you caught me with my pseudonym, based off a single phrase.

Mark Fletcher said...


The guy tried adding a comment to my blog. I deleted it. I think the moderation idea is a good thing for now. If you feel he is trolling, just delete his comments. Dont feed the troll.

Unknown said...


Some people have to remain anonymous because you censor your formidable opponents instead of replying with intelligent rebuttles.

DorothyParker007 said...

satan's looking cute today. so is he natas?

Jocelyn said...

..very formidable Snort-fyi you spelled rebuttal wrong.

Unknown said...


I didn't have the time to spell check in the middle of my work day, can you forgive me?

If you'd like to go toe to toe intellectually, I'm more than happy to meet up so we can compare curriculum vitae (and no, I'm not talking about a resume, let's knock our academic accomplishments together. we've all worked at a coffee shop at some point).

I promise I won't make a mockery of you.

I will, however, ask why you defend shady 'reporting' and censorship simply by pointing to a misspelled word...

Catherine on Eastlake said...

snort... why are you anonymous? why can't we read something about you? its SUCH a drag when people refuse to at least give us a tow rope into their psyche. spell check.?.. think of it as if someone pointed out your fly was open. it happens... even to us chicks.

jocelyn is really cool. but i think you know that.


The Half Jap said...

I had to see this crap for myself.
Well, it's not me. Sorry to bum you out.
Anyway, thanks to Jason at Peace and Hemp fest 2007 for the pic. Besides Craig, I generally speak my mind (or type) as you are so nice to point out.

Jeff Couturier said...

Read the profile of this " Natas Reficul".

under movies:
American History X (a movie with a powerful anti-racism message that most neo-nazi's selectively ignore, or are too stupid from inbreeding to understand)

under music:
Skrewdriver (one of the first white-power/nazi-skinhead bands)

under books:
Mien Kampf

So he's an ignorant neo-nazi shitbag. From a comment above: "Example #2. His girlfriend is training for the Aids Marathon." I highly doubt this white-power dipshit would be (1) working at Heartland where he'd have to deal with such diverse co-workers and customers, or (2) be dating anyone supporting something like the Aids Marathon.

I don't know Brettly or know much of anything about him, but the blogger you're claiming is Brettly... CLEARLY isn't. It only took a minute to actually look and figure this out. Please promote the truth, not assumptions.

Jeff Couturier said...

Something even more definitive, from the "Natas" blog:

-- cut --
Newest Hate Blogger? - Means

Craig just doesn't like this Kid Either. I guess he wouldn't give craig head, hump. Panties in a bunch Craig?
It also means craig does not like people telling the truth about hi s bullshit.
Satan. Satan Satan, it's you Craig, you're Satan

Personal Note : I fucking Hate Hippies, and Never eat at the Fartland Cafe.
Not my thing. Hippies, go back to the 60's where you fucking belong.

-- cut --

Again, it only took me a minute to actually look and find out.

Craig Gernhardt said...

As long as they remain anonymous, all I can do is guess.

Plus, if you really wanted to mask who you are, wouldn't you try to throw out a few odd, out of the normal clues, just to keep the guesser guessing in the wrong direction?

Jeff Couturier said...

I don't think this Natas jackass really wants to be anonymous at all. His type want everyone to know who they are and what they think... just so long as people don't know where they sleep at night because, when it comes down to it, they're nothing but cowards hiding behind their moronic beliefs. So he's not going to try to throw anyone off with false clues, aside from his imbecilic nickname. I've dealt with plenty of these shit-for-brains nazi skinheads over the years, and they're all the same.
And it seems we have a few here in RP.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs