Thursday, July 19, 2007

* CAPS 2423 Notes

How many times do I have to report information about this little fuckhead. Marcus Herron is on the loose again. The original 'Gooner of 2004' is now terrorizing the Clark Street and Estes area. He goes by the street-name of Twin. Marcus, or Twin, can be found hanging with a guy named 'Dracula'.

And there's a guy named 'Cable Man' who has been arrested over a hundred times. Yet, he still winds up hours later repeating the crimes he was just arrested for. Mostly burglary. He steals, he goes out and buy drugs, he uses the drugs, then goes out and steals again. (1700 block of West Estes)

The laundry mat at Greenleaf and Glenwood is cleaning up it's act. But the neighbors who live near the laundry mat at Estes and Clark say, they are having serious problems with the gangs, drugs and Marcus Herron.

One neighbor complained about the wild pack of youth that roam the neighborhood and beat people up. Some call it gooning. When not beating people up for no reason whatsoever, these crazy weasels also break car windows, scratch odd little markings into the paint of people's car, etc. For real fun, they've also been known to break side mirrors on the cars too. The wild pack of kids walk around the hood with sticks, bats, golf clubs, rocks, bricks. And they just have one mission in life. Create a climate of fear and then brag to their buddies about it.

Speaking of rocks and bricks, one neighbor wants the rocks and bricks removed from the Public Garden on the northwest corner of Lunt and Greenview. While I defended this very interesting and creative looking garden, (even though it's a Katy Hogan and boyfriend venture) the neighbor wouldn't back down. She said the bricks and rocks should be removed. She claims they cause a potential danger to the community, citing the gooning across the street last week.

There is a Hispanic guy and Jamaican guy that one neighbor says are preying on the women of the area. Making sexual advances, that type of stuff. This is in the 1700 block of West Chase.

With-out fail, every time the subject of calling the alderman's office arose, the answers were all the same. "We've called, and called and called, they don't do nothing - but LIE! LIE! LIE!" Yes, this lady repeated it three times. She was ticked off.

About five minutes before the meeting adjourned, Michael Land walked in.

BLOGNOTES: The new beat facilitator has missed two of the last three meetings. I offered to facilitate the meeting, but was denied.

* CAPS Beat 2423 has the same issues as 2431. Low, low attendance figures. They do a poor job of advertising the event. There's constant spin from the police at every question that arises. The police never do anything wrong - it's always the citizens or the courts fault. We need to do a better job of communicating or we need to scrap the CAPS program altogether.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Marcus Herron Pleads Guilty - One Hundred Day's in the Hole

On August 17, 2004, in the 1300 block of West Lunt Avenue, Marcus Herron chose David L. as his victim.

Today, Marcus, wearing a drab green DOC two piece suit, stood before the judge and in front of a 11 court advocates to plead guilty on assault charges and received 100 day's in jail.

Marcus is currently in the Department of Corrections system for a burglary, he recently was released from prison for a burglary and possibly violated his parole agreement for this assault offense.

In all, Marcus looks to spend the next year in jail. He was also ordered by the judge to stay off the area of Sheridan and Lunt after being released.

David L. still has medical bills to cover, David has taken many man-hours of work off, yet he seems satisfied on the out-come, after the vedict.

After the trial, Alicia Lopez from Alderman Moore's office, thanked all those neighbors, who have given hundreds of hours of time, to volunteer in the court advocacy process.

Posted by Craig Gernhardt at 11:10 AM

Craig Gernhardt said...

More on Marcus.

Craig Gernhardt said...

In September Herron brother, Lawrence, was nabbed in operation Morse Code. In December, he got locked up for 4 years. He's expected to get out in May, 2008. Some four years.

rpsense said...

I can't find the minutes for any caps beat 2423 meetings on 2431 seems to be documented the best though.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Last time I checked that site a month ago, 2431 wasn't updated. I don't bother even going to that site because it's worthless propaganda that's poorly updated. Although if you like it, you can visit everyday.

Thanks for reading.

RP4Life said...

C.A.P.S. is a joke. Why do the constituents have to do their own police work? What do we pay these people for? If you stick your head out enough it is surely bound to be cut off. The 2422 beat meeting that I used to go to was monitored by the same thugs that we were trying to report. That sure puts a damper on things. My neighbor reported crimes that another neighbor was perpetrating on him and all it got him was his face punched in and his tires slashed. He couldn't recall who hit him and didn't see who slashed his tires, so there were no arrests. People shot in the face get a page 8 coverage. Crime sure is down. Forget C.A.P.S. and just keep calling 911. Over and over and over and eventually they respond.

citizenrp said...

Is this Lawrence?

nico said...

farwell and lakewood is the new spot to hang out at 3am i guess, eh?

Hillari said...

That perpetrator hasn't run up on the wrong person yet. Folks with that much lack of consideration for others usually do, sooner or later. When he does, I won't have any sympathy.

ck said...

Ah yes...the lovely corner of Clark and Estes. Site of the former historic Adelphi Theater. Site where a 19 year old kid got mowed down in a gang shooting back in June. Site where Marcus Herron and his ilk are now raising hell. Well, good thing Joe Moore got that ratty, historic, beautiful old Adelphi Theater torn down so that shiny new condo building could be built!...

...oh wait, that's right-- there is no condo building! There's still a huge, gaping hole in the ground where that condo building should be. Urban blight attracts problems; gang shootings and Marcus Herron are a case in point, and 'Big Joe' should know that. Why can't we get that goddamned hole in the ground filled already!?! Are there any real estate developers that read this blog?

ATTENTION REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS: Prime corner lot in hot East Rogers Park for sale. Could be yours on the cheap-- just donate a few grand to Citizens For Joe Moore! Tell him it's a "belated birthday gift". ;-)

Big Daddy said...

Now your on to something. Scrap the CRAPS program and get those officers out on the street where they belong! That would be a good start.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Big Daddy's right. Way too many officers attend CAPS meetings. They should be out on the street.

Last night was serious overkill. At least 10 officers were there.

Big Daddy said...

Craig, your missing my point. I'm not talking about the officers that attend your meeting. I'm talking about the ones that are working in the CAPS office. Go look in the office and count the number of officers working in there. They should be out on the street suppressing crime, not hiding out in a 9-5 weekends off job. And I'll bet you most of them have very little time on the job anyway. The entire CAPS program should be scrapped. It accomplishs nothing.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Big Daddy said...> "It accomplishs nothing."

I wouldn't say that. My blood pressure is always rises when I attend these dog and pony shows.

Amy said...

Anyone know what Marcus Herron looks like? Those of us living near Clark & Estes would love to know.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Sure, I know what Marcus looks like.

DorothyParker007 said...

"Sure, I know what Marcus looks like."

Now play nice Craig, give that girl a photo if you have one or put a link up for your original.

The North Coast said...

Our justice system is a shambles coast-to-coast.

What is the use of CAPS, CeaseFire, and all other local efforts when our joke of a justice sytem puts repeat violent offenders out on the street after laughably light sentances, to commit even more violent crimes?

We are only citizens,and not particularly wealthy ones at that. All our combined efforts will not clean the area up when a) our criminal justice system is hopelessly ineffectual, and b.)our local alderman as much as makes a career out of making this neighborhood a favored refuge for criminals and their enablers.

lol moz said...

Sure, I know what Marcus looks like.

So, you're not really interested in helping your community -- you'd rather hold a petty grudge. How neighborly!

Hey, if Marcus and his little pals goon me on my street, can my next of kin start a blog blaming you for everything that goes wrong in the ward? Because that would be funny.

DorothyParker007 said...

CAN WE GET A PHOTO OF MARCUS ALREADY?? Women aren't generally gooned, but rape is a nice option or murder. Can we get a photo someone, how about wanted posters up al over the place with Marcus?

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