Tuesday, December 18, 2007

* Poop Scoop Scofflaw Calls Neighbor A Mental

Well, the case is heating up. One blogger asked the 'Poop Scoop Scofflaw' why he didn't pick up his dog poop. Instead of offering a answer like he didn't have a poop bag or his dog has the runs and he can't pick up runny stools, he instead calls the neighbors names. Gotta wonder if Joe Moore taught him this trick?

Jocelyn said... "Well, what have you got to say for yourself, you scofflaw?"

twestgard said... "Nothing. I have enough conversations about poop with children; I don't need to add a new series with a certain type of developmentally disabled adult. Besides, the more they attack me, the better I look. The more Craig & Mannis say I'm a bad guy, the more they establish how unlike them I am, which is to my benefit. I think I've said that before, but they never seem to understand.

Anyway, in the end, none of this is really about me or what I do. I could cure cancer, or torture puppies, and what is written about me on blogs would be the same. It's about some sad and lonely people trying to find meaning through a closely personal version of tabloid sensibilities. Thus, I'm not in the fight, leaving nothing for me to gain, and nothing for me to defend. Fire at will.


I heart the R.P. said...

Great thing to teach your daughter! The way she's pointing it seems to me that even she seems to think there is something wrong with this picture.

Fargo said...

I feel bad for the dog (who would seem to need a trip to the vet and perhaps a change in diet) and bad for the daughter (with such a fine example of a father).

Fargo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Here's the thing about this whole dog poop situation... The last frame of the stills shows that the dog is still in the act. What do the frames following that show? Do we know for sure that TW didn't pick it up? Perhaps the following frames show him walking away - but then again - maybe they show him fishing out a bag to scoop it up.

pearl said...

Too funny. The LAWYER is clearly saying: I'm a white guy and don't need to obey the law because, well, I'm entitled.

Hey, T. Mannis: did Tommy Wee Wee pick up the poo and you didn't take the pic of that or would we still find the runny poo there?

Jocelyn said...

This is pretty comical really, but it's not so funny when it's your lawn and you have to pick up after all the lazy people who let their dogs go all winter without picking up- that my friends is gross.

Hey, did anyone else hear that Ginderske is running for Carol Ronen's seat? Guess who I saw at Morse L collecing signatures for something this morning? Just sharing the info- no comment other than that.

INKJAR said...


Fargo said...

Ginderske running for Ronen's seat? Hmmm....

Jocelyn said...

Maybe not. I'm not sure if it's too late for that or not. I'm sure someone out there knows. Anyone care to share?

I still think Jim won the election for Joe(by throwing his support to Joe), so Joe owes Jim big time. Politics 101.

proGun said...

Looks like it weighed in at 2 Katie Couric's.
Not really that impressive. I had 6 katie Couric after coffee this morning. Oh hot hot hot hot.
Google for deeper meaning
Urban Dictionary: couric

Must say I feel much better and my pants fit.

PS. If Jim needs signatures come by any time I have a pen.

Poopsie said...

Oh, god. It's come to this. Maybe you all need to get a life.

I heart the R.P. said...

Hey Stupid, I guess you missed the part that said she witnessed him walking away and then he cussed her out.

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