Monday, January 31, 2005

Weekend Up-Date

The Yellow Zone is Open Again!
When I posted this story on Saturday night, I didn't think anything would be fixed until sometime time week? How wrong I was.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Drugs, Guns, and Gangs Run Morse Avenue

ArtVideo Files-Part 2
Forum 49
Posted on Sunday, Jan 30, 2005: 8:45 am

Sunday 01/30/05 7:20 am
Two Drug Leaders driving by in nice cars getting the A-OK sign from lookouts on the corner of Morse and Glenwood. So what else is new on a Sunday morning in Rogers Park. Called 911.
Joe on Estes
Thanks Joe! But what happened with the 911 call? Will this show up on the 2431 Citizen I-CAM report? Keep us updated.

"Catch Us if You Can"-Day 2

Bel Com Night Roaming Charges & Mama's Friday Night-Fish Fry
Exclusive: Hidden Camera Photos
103_0089 103_0092
The City of Chicago inspectors have gone home for the weekend and it's Friday night, The Morse Avenue Open Air Drug Market Salesman are doing crack business in the 1300 to 1500 blocks of Morse. as usual.

Here are two businesses that hours ago were closed by the city inspectors, now after dark, are open for business! Both businesses just torn off the Orange stop doing business stickers and turned on the Open Sign.

Mama's Fish and Bel Com must think, why can't we play the catch us if you can, game too? These Open Air Drug Market Salesman need to recharge their cel phones to keep track of the police and they sure get hungry.

Heck, why shouldn't these two businesses let the Open Air Drug Market Salesman hide inside when they see the Chicago Police Department drive their squad cars down Morse Avenue? It's just a game, right?
Mama's saved the orange sticker in the back kitchen for a keep-sake. Bad Mama!
Up-Dated Sunday 10 am: I called downtown city offices and e-mailed our 49th Ward Alderman's office yesterday and haven't received any comment's on how these businesses got this matter taken care of, after 5pm on Friday.

I have yet to receive a response.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Not Good Enough to Ticket or Tow

Abandoned Car in Yellow Zone Sits Buried in a Pile of Snow

at mea
A couple of weeks ago, on January 13th, I noticed a police officer writing parking tickets for cars parked at meters only along Morse Avenue, like on the car above. But the officer stopped here. This officer then went back to the squad car and took his seat under the Morse Avenue EL.

As I walked to the lake I noticed this car with a flat tyre and busted right mirror and was parked in a yellow zone by the Morse Senior Home at 1250 W. Morse Avenue. This car had been here awhile but it just caught my attention because it wasn't ticketed like the cars parked at the expired meter.

At a CAPS meeting I asked if the officers were monitoring the recent stolen cars that were being left on Morse Avenue. This was a cover story in the Reader a week before the Curious Theatre Gooning story. They told me they were watching this well. I asked if cars left in one place for a long period of time were checked in the system, he said yes again.
Can anyone explain why this car today still sits ticket-less, in a yellow zone, surrounded by snow?

Friday, January 28, 2005

Gone Fishin'

No Catch of the Day
Gone Fishin
As you notice, the City of Chicago inspectors tossed the line in the water and caught another fish, not following the rules.

Mama's Fish at 1334 West Morse today got the Orange Bait, hook line and sinker.

Cel Phone Store Disconnected

No Answer at Bel Com
Bel Com Bel Com
Bel Comm at 1341 W. Morse was closed yesterday for operating with-out a license. This is the same store that had a wrong address on it's awning, causing a policeman to think he was at 1443 West Morse, when responding to a ( don't click the bogus link, Charlie at Rogers Park dot com deleted it ) drive by, gang shooting on October 9th, 2004. CeaseFire, Joe and I joined with a dozen other neighbors and circle prayed at this spot after the shooting. That was the second Ceasefire circle prayer we had at that location in 2004.

I reported this awning address problem to Ora at Harry Osterman's office a couple of times. She actually called them and they corrected the awning after a few attempts.

This spot was very popular with The Open Air Drug Market Salesman of CAPS Beat 2431. When the Chicago Police Department officers drove up and sat in their squad cars watching the west end of the 1400 block of west Morse Avenue, the Open Air Drug Market Salesman wised up to this and just walked east to the 1300 block to conduct business, figuring the officers weren't looking in their rear view mirror?

If you ever get a chance to walk by this store, you can look at the quality work that went into the Awning Address Replacement Numbers, it's the only numbers this store will be displaying.

As one of those wireless cel phone commercials goes, "How many bar's do you have?"

Violation's at $ Dollar Day

Luck Runs Out for Moore Campaign $$$$$ Contributor
Morse and Glenwood Dollar Store
Dollar Day at Morse Avenue and Glenwood received 4 violations Thursday according to an anonymous source. The source also received a violation. Dollar Day spokesperson would not comment. More to come.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


City Inspectors Target Morse Avenue Businesses and Buildings

In an unprecedented coordinated effort among ten city agencies and 40 city inspectors today converged on a three block stretch of Morse Avenue in Chicago’s Rogers Park community to enforce city health, safety, sanitation and consumer protection standards.

“In the last few years, our neighborhood has experienced an amazing renaissance, but Morse Avenue remains an ongoing challenge,” Alderman Joe Moore said. According to Moore, loitering, drug dealing and other anti-social activities continue to plague the 1300 to 1500 blocks of Morse.

“While most business and building owners are lawful members of the community, a few business owners and landlords contribute to the problems on Morse,” Moore noted. “A number of business owners continue to allow loitering and drug dealing outside their businesses and too many landlords fail to adequately screen their tenants,” he said. “Their refusal to take responsibility for controlling their businesses and buildings makes it much harder for their neighbors to run successful businesses and contributes to decline in the quality of life in the surrounding community.” Moore said.

Under the initiative launched by CAPS Area 3 Coordinator, Glen Brooks and Moore, businesses and buildings on the 1300, 1400 and 1500 blocks of Morse Avenue between Lakewood and Greenview Avenues will be subject to city inspection over a two-day period. Inspectors from eight city departments, including the Building Department’s Strategic Task Force, Consumer Services, Environment, Fire, Health, Law, Police, Revenue and Zoning will visit the businesses and buildings to ensure that all city health, safety, sanitation and consumer protection standards are being followed.

According to Brooks, the mission has a three-part purpose:

(1) The enforcement of municipal laws and regulations.

(2) A focus of municipal resources in a concentrated and coordinated effort to increase compliance with those laws and regulations.

(3) Fostering increased community participation and responsibility among stakeholders on Morse Avenue.

“Ultimately, our goal is to encourage all the landlords and business owners on Morse Avenue to become active and engaged members of our community,” Moore said. “We cannot hope to turn Morse Avenue around without their participation and support,” Moore added.

Moore and Brooks plan to host a meeting for business owners and landlords in the coming weeks to discuss the benefits of community involvement and responsible ownership.

Thank You Alderman Moore and Mr. Brooks.

49th Ward Streets and Sanitation Supervisor-Not at Work

Over-Flowing Dumpsters on Sidewalks and in the Alleys
Full DumpsterDJ's RanchDJ Ranch24
Glenwood Avenue. Garbage spilling over, onto the ground. Where is our 49th Ward Supervisor? Isn't Mr. Bill Norkett monitoring this situation? Where are the SSA #24 janitors? How long has the overflowing alley dumpster garbage been there? Since January 7th. This dumpster is located next to DJ's Ranch. I reported this problem to Alderman Moore by email with this photo. Great job Alderman, all this garbage is a excellent breeding ground for rodents.
Out of Bounds
Where is Mr. Norkett? Here he is. Cruising the city, entering Lake Shore Drive at Hollywood, far away from the 49th Ward. This was mid-day Tuesday. Where was he going? Was it an important meeting downtown? Does he know his rear, left tail light is burnt out and not working also? For over two weeks Mr. Norkett has missed this alley garbage, too busy cruising LSD, I guess?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Special Service Area #24 - The Rent a Cops - Part 1

Exclusive Look at Hard to Find Document with No Quorum-No Logistics-and One Correct Statement
Six months ago, on July 14th, 2004, DevCorp North received a presentation from Sergio Serritella of Tactical Solutions Group, INC. TSG is a private security company who hires off-duty Chicago Police officers to patrol private and public areas of the city, anywhere they can secure a contract off these presentations. TSG carries guns and claims they can make arrests.

How many of the nine commissioners voted and who voted which way on Tactical Solutions Group as their security choice? What were the other companies who submitted bids? Did the nine commissioners review all bids?

These TSG off duty officers must not feel the city of Chicago is paying them enough? How many hours a week does an average employee work at TSG?

Does TSG offer heath insurance better than the City of Chicago Police Department?

Does TSG have a union it belongs to, offering job security?

Does all this overtime these off duty officers put in effect how they perform during Chicago Police Department hours? Does this account for not wanting to walk foot patrols on Morse Avenue during Chicago Police Department hours?

Why would these off duty officers want to break up the Morse Avenue Open Air Drug Market when the same regular Chicago Police Department officers who work shifts can't?

Here are just three of Segio's wild claims. We will examine this futher in the future.
Can making false claims void a City of Chicago Special Service Area contract?

1. Tactical Solutions Group response to crimes in a minute to a minute and a half using cel phones.
The Rogers Park Police response time is 10 to 15 minutes, according to Tactical Solutions Group!

If we had a shoplifter on Clark and Estes at 2:30PM, which is in the SSA #24 area. Who does the shopkeeper call, a unknown cel number or 911? Say at 2:37pm a gun battle breaks out on Morse and Glenwood, who do they call? How is the Rent a Cop on a cell phone going to get to Morse and Glenwood in a minute from Clark and Estes, while still dealing with the shoplifter? What happens if he gets shot, who covers the medical expenses? What happens if TSG shots an innocent bystander? Who is going to be responsible TSG, DevCorp North, the City of Chicago Special Service Area #24, the nine SSA #24 commissioners or the taxpayers of Special Service Area #24?

More questions?

How many rent a cops and how many man hours will they work for $55,000 a year?

What will be their hours of operation?

What is the cel phone number for us citizens to get the Special Service Area #24, 1 minute response time?

And on top of this, we have Sergio dissing and badmouthing the regular police officers who routinely tell us they respond in under 2 minutes... also. Not 10 to 15 minutes as Tactical Solutions Group says.

2. Deeply discounted Background Checks and Undercover surveillance.
What computers are they using to perform this service. Does TSG do this service while they are working on Chicago Police Department time and on Police computers or just some basic 14.95 a month internet background checker like I have? Again, why would they set up a undercover sting, when they can't seem to put the sting on the Open Air Drug Market Salesman of Morse Avenue when they are on regular Chicago Police Department time?

3. DevCorp North's biggest problem is it's own employees.
No question here, Sergio from Tactical Soulution Group was dead right on this one!

New DevCorp North-Winter Sidewalk Art-Streetscape Project: Day Four

Used Tyre a Hit for Special Service Area #24 Promotional Team
Rogers Park Florist again, gets the DevCorp North special touch.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Special Service Area #24 - Not at Work - Part 6

"Big Bud & Used Tyre" - Left in Snow Bank
Cold Bud60
Meet Bud. Not just any Bud. This is Big Bud. Big Bud was enjoying the ice cold snow drift by the Rogers Park Fruit and Meat Store. But Bud was alone... and empty. Empty Big Bud was waiting for the SSA #24 janitors to pick him up and recycle him, but they missed Big Bud today. Maybe tomorrow Bud?
Tire on SSA route61
Meet Tyre. Not just any Tyre. This is Used Tyre. Used Tyre was sitting In front of the Rogers Park Florist, sitting so long, the snow started to drift over her. Is Used Tyre a part of the New DevCorp North-Winter Sidewalk Art Streetscape Project? Or did our Special Service Area #24 Janitor's not want to disturb Used Tyre until the snow melted?

Why wouldn't anyone of the Special Service Area Janitors not want to pick up "Big Bud & Used Tyre"? Are "Big Bud & Used Tyre" not good enough for them?
Not at Work 1
Not at Work 2
Not at Work 3
Not at Work 4
Not at Work 5
Do it on your own, Snow Removal!
How many janitors, supervisors or commissioners put a written fix me report on this?

Monday, January 24, 2005

(Extra Special)-Special Service Area #19/24-Part #2

Special Service Area #24 Testifier Gets Royal Treatment
Extra Special
While the other 300 or so property taxpayers of SSA #19/#24 get a 3 to 6 foot path of snow pushed to the side, leaving a 2 foot drift and a small layer of snow behind, like JB's Pizza, DevCorp North treats one of their properties very, very well, removing every bit of snow, special melting rock salt and all, from the building to the curb.

The above photo is the Morse Avenue Janitor's office, located in Cobblers Mall 1330 West Morse Ave. It is unknown how this location was chosen and if any commissioners voted on this location and how much the rent would be?

Cobblers Mall is one of four actual property owners who went downtown and orally testified for SSA #24. Four out of 200 plus! The other three were Rogers Park Auto Glass, Rogers Park Auto Shop and Car Wash. This company collects $315 dollars a month storage fees for the SSA #19/24 tractor and sidewalk sweeper. And you complain about $100 a month auto parking?

The last company orally testifing was the Morseland Bar and Dance Club. This company got the only food and liquor vendors permit for the SSA #24 sponsored, 2004-Glenwood Art Fair. Plus got a quick route process (the fast track) to a liquor license, when they were first denied by the liquor commission.

The other 300 plus property owners should feel really ripped off, not getting the same royal treatment as an oral testifier. They pay the same extra special tax, some properties pay more because of their size, plus they don't get a rental kickback storage and office fee's, each month.

These other 300 plus property owners should DAMAND the same fair treatment and have DevCorp North remove the snow the same as they did here in this photo, from the building to the curb!

That's if they didn't have to do this themselves on Sunday?

This isn't the first time this property got the special treatment. Does every property get this type of window cleaning?

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Special Service Area #24 - Where Are You?

Shop Owners Do-it-Themselves!
Couldn't wait50
What we have here is a shop owner, the Hair Salon next to the Constituents office at 1409-11 W. Morse, shoveling snow in front of his shop because he couldn't find the SSA janitors. He even went the extra mile and did Harry's office. Not knowing if anyone would ever open the office, he went ahead anyway. What SNOW DISPLACEMENT they received on Saturday was a 6 foot plowing that left a slight undercoat of snow. More snow came overnight and it iced up. No Special Service Area snow removers came on Sunday and he was left with a mess. He had to do it himself.
The above building is owned by Special Service Area Commissioner #24, Al Goldberg of Hallmark & Johnson Properties, Ltd located at 7101 N. Cicero Ave in Lincolnwood, Illinois. In the presentations they claimed this SSA was to help the neighbors maintain properties that were not being maintained with on site management, like Mr. Goldberg's.
Here again, another shop owner, 1337 W. Morse, more snow, no Special Service Area snow removers, he had to do it himself. The SSA #19/24 mission statement claims "SNOW REMOVAL" but didn't deliver...AGAIN.
Craig 3
Feeling that they got jipped, that they didn't get the royal, special treatment DevCorp North gives it's oral testifiers (story tomorrow), I pitched in and gave this shop owner a hand. Take a look accross the street, they got a single wide walking path.
Path c2
Now, there is a clear path to the curb.

How many of the 300 plus property owners in Special Service Area #19/24 had to shovel themselves today?

Coming tomorrow, Special-Special Service Area #24-The Royal Treatment.

Friday, January 21, 2005

DevCorp North's "Other" Source of Income

Where Does the Money Come From?
Forum 49 Post: by Hugh
Most of DevCorp North's revenue can be accounted for by its ongoing contracts with the City of Chicago's Department of Planning and Development as a "technical consultant to business" and as the "sole service provider" for the Howard and Morse Special Service Areas.

Kimberly Bares, Executive Director of DevCorp North, recently wrote that "DevCorp North is not a government agency." DevCorp North's disclosures show that financially DevCorp North is a creature of the City of Chicago's Department of Planning and Development. DevCorp North is largely publicly funded, using funding derived from property taxes.

Can you see the thin strip of teal at the top of the chart? Look close, it's real thin. That's the contribution to DevCorp North's revenues from membership dues.

DevCorp North's web site is carefully crafted to give the impression that it is a membership-based organization. The web site lists the members and features a searchable database of the membership, led by Alderman Moore.
Member Directory
In fact, membership dues make an insignificant contribution to DevCorp North's revenues. Not to mention the City, fees from real estate developers, other consulting fees, and other unspecified revenue are all more important sources of revenue than the membership.
Benefits of Membership
Membership dues make so little of a contribution to DevCorp North's bottom line that it is difficult to understand why they bother. Why bother soliciting money from me and my neighbors, neighbors who have far fewer resources than DevCorp North, solicitions that even go so far as to include claims that you can make money by sending money to DevCorp North?

WARNING: DevCorp North is known to have several serious misrepresentations in their financial disclosures, including:

* under reporting of assets, including their ownership share of the company that owns Gateway Mall.

* no accounting for expenses by program as required by law.

DevCorp North's financial disclosures should be interpreted with skepticism.

This chart is derived from DevCorp North's financial disclosures, as filed with the Internal Revenue Service, available from Nor does this include Special Service Area #24 income figures. That will pad the bank account with another quarter million dollars a year in 2004 and 2005.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

SSA #24 Administration Heavy Budget! Up-Dated with Comments

Hard to Find Document Shows Huge Raise for Management
SSA #24 Bathroom break
Special Service Area #24-Pissing your money away! In more ways the one. Take a look at these two budgets closely.

Are Managers and Directors salaries a program or an administration fee?

The real administration fee line item went up from 7% to 9%?

Isn't accounting a administration? Why not add another line anyway?

Look at the Safety line, now this is the largest expense outside of the managers. But think about it, how far is $55,000 going to go? How many hours in a year do we get a rent a cop at that price?

I wondered why so much was spent on office work and not program work. Well, DevCorp North fixed that, didn't they? Just change some catagories around.

When is a Fringe Benefit a program? And why did it rise?

Why did the Maintenance Manager get a raise? Did he get a raise on SSA #19 too? Does he collect two pay checks for doing the same job, one for SSA #19 and one for SSA #24 or just one big check? Is he the one watching these, Not at Workers? This is what I witnessed in the last 45 days. On limited observations.

Want to see the real numbers of the so called success stories? So do I, but DevCorp North doesn't want to give up the information easy. Instead making citizens play "cat and mouse" with them.
Here is a month old email request to Ms. Bares and the gang.

DevCorp North
1448 W. Howard St
Chicago, Il. 60626
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004

To the Sole Service Provider of SSA #19 and #24

I am requesting the October, November and December meeting agenda and meetings for SSA#24.

I am also requesting the expenses and income documents for the following:

1] 2004 Glenwood Art Fair. All invoices and pay-outs.

Who paid for:
a. Booths, and the list of vendors?
b. Permits.
c. Music acts.

Why was there only one food/liquor vendor? Does this vendor have close ties to the SSA #24?

How much was spent on advertising and where did you spend this money?

How much was spent on Posters, who made/paid for them?

How much was spent on tee-shirts, who made/paid for them?

How much was spent on banners, who made/paid for them?

Also how much was taken in on
a. Sponsorship
b. Beer sales
c. Admission fees?

2] The 2004 Howard Street Farmers Market invoices/pay-outs and receipts. How many weeks did farmers not show up and a written reason from the farmer?

Who is choosing these budget items, the commissioners or DevCorp North?

DevCorp North, Come Clean

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

SSA #24-Food for Thought.

Hard to Find Document Shows DevCorp North Collects "Much Higher than Average" Administration Fees!
Here is one of the first Special Service Area #24 budget's ever introduced at a not so well attended, public meeting from noon to 2pm on March 13, 2003 at the Campeche Restaurant.
Very expensive glossy "menus" were made. About 30 resident/business/property owners attended, nevermind this property tax increase effected over 200 property owners and 600 residents. Many in attendance were DevCorp North employees or hungry donors, waiting for their "cut of the pie," and a free meal. That explains the food stains on the budget.

Another meeting on the Special Service Area #24 "DevCorp North Meal Ticket Deal" was held in April 2003 at the Heartland Cafe. This event drew even less "diners". I counted about a "bakers" dozen. Again, most were people were "waiters" for this DevCorp North breakfast, hungry for their "stake and eggs".

Notice that Salaries/Benefits and all that good stuff is listed under administation fees. After much complaining that two-thirds (2/3) of the money was going to DevCorp North management, they later "fudged" up the catagories, giving the appearance that the administration should be listed under programs instead. This will be shown on tomorrows budget post.

Also notice how important public safety was for DevCorp North, no money was given to this line item program in 2004. Again, I objected to this, as safety was first and foremost what was needed, with-out safety, this SSA is a "Recipe" for Disaster. They didn't need a high paid consultant to tell anyone that.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

(S)-SSA #19 & #24 Janitor-Out of Bounds

DevCorp North's (Special)-Special Service Area Janitor. Roams Gateway Center-like he "Owns" it.
Janitor in Mall
Saturday at 1:20pm. Why is this SSA #19-24 janitor on Gateway Center property during working hours? Is he lost, shopping or cleaning the Mall Parking lot?
Source: "Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement of Combined Development - Howard, L. L. C." dated December 19, 1996, and signed by Kevin O'Neil, then President of DevCorp North and Rudy Mulder, President of Illinois corporations Anchor 2000, Inc., Combined Property Development II Corp., and Combined Property Investment Corp, obtained from the City of Chicago under the Freedom of Information Act.

Monday, January 17, 2005

2004-Lie's of the Year in Print! Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4

DevCorp North Propaganda Journal Fall 2004
I haven't gotten through the first three columns and this has got more fibs than the whole issue of "The Onion". The difference is, these lies are not funny. I will be posting quotes and information with real questions, let's see the lies unfold.

1.) "Index crime in police Beat 2431 (the beat that includes Morse Avenue) dropped almost 20% in the first half of 2004".
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

Where did you come by these "Crime's Down" Percentage numbers?

2.)" Property owners in the area agreed to pay a small, additional property tax surcharge, which is used to fund local improvements such as daily street and sidewalk cleaning, public safety initiatives, beautification/landscaping, business promotion and retention. Supported by Alderman Joe Moore and administered by DevCorp North."
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

DevCorp North, come clean, stop lying to the public, on the public taxpayers dime. How many (exact) owners and renters agreed to the Special Service Area #24 property tax increase? Over 200 property owners and 600 renters should have been included.

3.) "At the old Halo/Starbelly building on the 1200 block of Morse, new construction is under way to add three floors and 40+ condominium units to the existing commercial building."
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

Did you mention that these 43 plus condo buyers are going to be 43 new SSA #24 taxpayers that didn't get to vote on this property tax increase?

4.) "The Morse Avenue Streetscape should become a reality next year.
Front Page, Fall edition of DevCorp North Journal: 2004

Come clean Alderman Moore, Who is funding this project? Is it secured funding?

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Paws 4 Peace Needs Volunteers

paws 4 peace logo
Click to Join
Published: January 16, 2005. Chicago Tribune

ROGERS PARK-Rogers Park commuters may soon have some four-legged security on their walks to and from elevated trains. Paws for Peace, a group of vigilant dog walkers, is recruiting a corps of canine escorts for the morning and evening rush hours at the Morse stop on the Red Line.

The group, which organized in July, already works with CAPS to look out for crime while on their dog walks.
"We want to be a positive presence in the community," said Margot Hackett, a Paws for Peace organizer. "We'll report crime or anything unusual we see."

Hackett, whose full-time job is walking dogs, hopes the sight of pets like Macy Gray, her Doberman pinscher-German shepherd-Labrador mix, will dissuade would-be criminals and soothe nervous commuters.

"People with dogs have to get out anyway," she said. "Now they can be the eyes and ears of the community."
So far, Hackett has recruited about 10 master-dog pairs, including a Rhodesian ridgeback and pit bull-Labrador mix and their owners.

More Press from Springfield

Rich Miller from Capitol Fax Blog gave The Broken Heart a plug Saturday. Thanks!

Stay tuned, if Harry Osterman doesn't start doing something about Morse Avenue ( he has a office at 1409 W. Morse but seems afraid to put this on his bio, and seems even more afraid to spend much time there ) as he promised a year ago, I will inform you here. We need more than Ceasefire funding, we need the National Guard.

Friday, January 14, 2005

The "Broken Heart" of Rogers Park makes News!

Chicago Tribune's Eric Zorn mentioned my website with a link up in his online column today. Thank you Mr. Zorn, I don't believe anyone of our leaders in the 49th Ward can remove this advertisment? Expect a letter demanding a retraction from Alderman Moore.

FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 2005
The Broken Heart of Rogers Park – This photo-intensive site disseminates "the news that 49th Ward leaders don't want you to know."

Heartland Cafe's "New Parking Plan"

Expermenting with Rear Back-Up Diagonal & Curb Block Parking
Parking and Gangs_21
This was taken Tuesday, 11:30 am, I watched this guy with the phone in his hand. Was he watching the cars and corner for 10 minutes, walking from corner to corner. The van is blocking the stop sign. The blue car behind the white van has it's right, rear wheel on the parked on the sidewalk. Could he be the Heartland Cafe's new valet?

Only when a police car drove west on Lunt and turned south on Glenview did he get on this phone and make a call. Was he calling Michael James to warn him his vendors and Diagonal Parker may get a parking ticket or was it to warn the Open Air Drug Market Salesman on Morse Avenue a police was approaching? One thing for sure, the officer in the car totally missed the cars, illegally parked!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Dollar Day Help's "The Open Air Drug Market"

Store will not allow Photo Shoots, but doesn't mind The Morse Avenue Gun Shooting Range.
Morse and Glenwood Dollar Store

Dollar Day @ Morse and Glenwood, also Home of the Early Morning Morse Avenue Sidewalk Crack-Ho Casino.
Also a drug drop off/money pick up point for the Open Air Drug Market Salesman.

SSA #24-Not at Work-Part 4

SSA #24 Trash Not Removed... DevCorp North Management fails..Again.
SSA#24 _11
What we have here is garbage that wasn't picked up from yesterday's SSA janitors. I have 10 other photos of other garbage littering the street that was missed by the Special Service Area janitors and could have taken more. These visible garbage photos "sums it all up".
Wednesday morning at 6am, as I was walking in the 1400 Block of West Morse Avenue, I saw bottles and cans scattered on the sidewalk, outdated posters on Boarded Up and Vacant Windows and of course, The Open Air Drug Market Salesman...Everywhere. My first pass west down Morse there were no police anywhere.
Wednesday at 3:30pm, as I was walking in the 1400 Block of West Morse Avenue, I saw bottles scattered and cans on the sidewalk, (including the above photos) the posters were removed and of course, The Open Air Drug Market Salesman...Everywhere. My pass down Morse this time had officers sitting in their squad cars. I wanted to stop in the Polititians office at 1409 W. Morse Avenue to take photographs of this situation from a somewhat "safe zone", but the office wasn't open. I have asked in the past to use other locations for a photo shoot, but the businesses with good visibity will not let me use the location. They harbor the Open Air Drug Market Salesman and don't want to get involved. I can't use the CTA platform because Open Air Drug Market Security Gaurds watch from up there.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

SSA #24-Not at Work-Part 3

DevCorp North Supervisors Failed, AGAIN! Outdated fliers still up, a week after the event.
Vacant Window_20
Two weeks ago these Yellow "dated" posters were put up and down Morse Avenue, Clark Street and Howard. Most likely with your tax dollars? Most everyone of these posters were placed on the outside of Boarded Up-Vacant Windows, others were attached outside on active business windows. Some of these businesses that they were placed inside, harbor our Open Air Drug Market Salesman.

A couple of days later, I placed this web sites posters next to these Yellow Posters. My posters came down almost as quick as I put them up. See Removed! Or Gone!

When it comes to removing a posters with a event date of Thursday, January 6th, 2005, DevCorp North supervisors see nothing wrong with leaving them up a extra week, maybe even a month or more?

In the Rogers Park Full Circle Project meeting which this flier was about, many residents asked this same question.

"Why does DevCorp North allow out-dated fliers to be left up on Vacant and Board-Up windows for months at a time?" "This makes the neighborhood look like a slum" said one visionary.
SSA Special
When it comes to having clean windows on property's that supports DevCorp North and the SSA, they go the extra mile!

Questions for Joe on Estes.

On "Forum 49" from Artvideo
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:30 pm    
Post subject: Drugs and Gangs on Morse Ave today at 2:35 pm.

While two gang members were on the CTA platform causing a commotion, shouting various slogans and phone numbers to look-outs on the street below in a choreographed attempt to distract others, a group of youth gathered in front of Ostermans office.

Just then one after another, two adult males secretly walked past and handed two items to the boys that were quickly hidden. One of the adult men walked north on Glenwood while the other waked west, past two marked squad cars then north on Greenview. After the transaction, the gangbangers on the platform walked down the stairs and exited on Morse.

Called 911 from the platform as cops sat in squad cars in front of Washington Mutual. Rogers Park 2000 seems to think that we suffer from a worse perception of crime than in other communities.

If there wasn’t so much crime in RP, RP2000 would be correct.

Joe On Estes

Thank you for posting this on Forum 49 Joe. I have a couple of questions, I would post them on the forum but I'm banned.

Was anyone manning the Polititians office at 1409 W. Morse when you were witnessing this action?

Do you see this activity more than once a day or week? Is this activity more in the morning, afternoon or night?

What was the squad car doing about the situation? Were officers inside or outside of the squad car?

In your documentary you did last year. Did you believe those "CRIMES DOWN" speeches from Harry and Joe? You recorded them, right?

Do you think the 1409 West Morse, Polititians office has helped in removing this activity?
By the way, thanks for the tip on the Red Door Animal Shelter.

2004-"Crimes Up"-Beat 2431-Updated with Comments!

The "Crimes Down" ( fill in the percentage here ) Trend Ends
Polititians Office at 1409 W. Morse hasn't helped! It's "Gotten Worse" as exclusively reported here earlier!
Twenty-five or so resident's, which included Alderman Moore, CAPS Beat 2431 Facilitator Kevin O'Neil, 10 police officers, DevCorp North representatives Rene Carmago and three "Suits" from Tactical Solutions Group, our new armed security company, paid for with SSA #24 money, got some bad news Monday night at the January Beat 2431 meeting.

Beat 2431 area involves at least 7,000 residents.

*Index Crime is Up 6.9% for the year 2004.*

*Non-Index Crime is Up 9.4% for the year 2004.*

We were AGAIN promised Morse Avenue will change. Kevin O'Neil promised AGAIN to look into a year and a half old CAPS issue of closing Soo Liqours. A project I took the time to get involved with, but somehow Kevin let it fall through the cracks. Alderman Moore promised to look into this too. I will do a story on this subject if it doesn't get a response.

Here are a few other subjects we talked about.

The liquor store under the EL Stop in the photograph below is targeted to be closed.

A "Friend of Joe", we will call him Joe's Yes Man, asked if a "Vote-Dry would do any good?" We got a five minute blah, blah, blah speech. Shocking huh?

The Police promised more of these Roll Calls.
Roll Call_5

The 1400-1600 Blocks of West Morse Avenue are off limits to the Vise-Loards, Pea-Stonies and GeeDee's as I reported earlier. Our Police Department said many times though-out the evening, " You are with us, or you are against us!" This means, either us citizens report these crimes by calling 911 and sign a complaint form on your call. If you don't do that, us citizens are harboring and helping these "Open Air Drug Market Salesman" who have made Morse Avenue their area in which to do business. It's our fault.

They want citizens to report to the police what kind of cars "The Open Air Drug Market Salesman" drive. Like this Open Air Drug Market Fleet Vehicle.

Joe, Kevin and Rene talked Kindergarden SSA's. I asked some High School Budget SSA questions, but the leaders had "NO COMMENT", they want to stick to the ABC 's of SSA's.

Here is an example of the leaders SSA descriptions, little money, special planters, streetscape, lot's of commissioners. My questions included, how much little money, what special planters, and where were the nine commissioners tonight?

I also got to ask why DevCorp North has "MET WITH with the New Commander MANY, MANY, MANY TIMES", about Tactical Solutions Group coming to Morse Avenue, yet this "New Commander" can't meet with the residents or attend a meeting the Alderman set up for the residents? I got a "NO COMMENT" and "Working on logistics" answers.

Joe talked Streetscape with Federal Transportation money being used for this project. This was only a two minute blah, blah, blah speech.

Joe repeated that we have Fewer Police on the street, but offered no more information on what happened with this resolution?

We talked about not having a lockup facility at the 24th District Police Station, suspects are taken to the 20th to be held.

We talked of a new furniture/photo copy store, Double Crown International Inc. 6954 N. Glenwood Avenue. We got a coupon for free copies for 30 days! For that I'm adding their phone number 773-465-7990. See, I can be bought too.

Does anyone have any questions? Only people who will leave names, will get answers. And no, I'm not explaining index and non-index crimes and what they mean. Come to a CAPS meeting and find out. Kevin O'Neil explains these boring things very well. If you have a Persnickety Hangnail on you're finger, he may be able to help you with that also?

Remember, get involved or you are part of the problem.

Monday, January 10, 2005

2-49th Ward Parks and Beach Committee's

January 16, 2004-Up-dated: Rogers Park Conservancy wins Friends of the Park Award

Joe's Back in Business, Promising More Parks in Rogers Park.
Always thinking about Rogers Park?
Joe didn't have a parks group web page to display.

Rogers Park Consevancy.

SSA #24-Not at Work-Part 2

Multi-Purpose Waste Containers Go Un-Attended for Days! DevCorp North Get's Awards for this Public Waste Project.
Planter_14 Planter9
Taxpayers give DevCorp North money to maintain these Planter/Waste Combo Containers, complete with Plastic Trees. Rogers Park Community Council gave it's "Citizen of the Year" Award in 2004 for this. Mission statements confirm this. Headlines and story in RP2000, Winter 2004 also confirm this.

Maintaining plastic trees requires no water, no special horticultural training, so this should be really easy for the janitors. Just pick the garbage out of these containers by hand. No special motorized tools are needed. Mission Statement Accomplished?

Check the snow that has melted around this garbage in one of the Planter/Waste Combo containers. Some of this garbage has been sitting in here at least 5 days! This is why I say Devcorp doesn't do this chore daily, like they claim in Mission Statements.

Howard Street, please tell us your Planter/Waster Container Streetscape stories! That would be SSA #19 for all you fellow Grown-Up Kindergarden students like me. Keeping it simple.

Who wants to bet these Combo containers get attention today? Odds at the "Morse Avenue Sidewalk-Crack-Ho Casino" are 2 to 1.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs