Monday, November 28, 2005

* People 4 Peace

Sit back... Relax, we have a good news story here.

Toni Duncan, Katy Hogan, Sister Cecilia and a host of other women ( and men ) of the community got together on a rain drizzled Sunday for a walk/march for peace. A walk around the north of Howard area was attended by 20 community activists and the Alderman. The group walk/marched in response to last weeks abduction of a Rogers Park neighbor.

One not so simple question. North of Howard is mostly African American in race, yet the walk/march had less than 4 people of color who walk/marched with the group of 20? Clearly this march/walk had the feel of un-equal community participation.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

* Special Service Area # 24 Scandal, Do-it-Yourself Snow Removal

What a way to start the winter shopping season. Nothing says the holiday's like the first snow fall. But look see, who's removing the snow. Is it a DevCorp North janitor? No. We have DevCorp North starting off the season on the wrong foot.

Other city agencies were out removing snow. Not DevCorp North. DevCorp North dropped the ball on the first snow fall. DevCorp North slipped..... or shall I say, a pedestrian is going to slip if someone doesn't remove the snow.

So, the Special Service Area taxpayer has to remove the snow himself.

It isn't the first time DevCorp North couldn't get the shovel out of the garage. Here is one example of someone who had to do-it-themselves.

See, they were caught again. Another Special Service Area taxpayer having to do-it-themselves.

I'm sure a few puppeteers from DevCorp North that will say ...."There's at least one-third of an inch of snow out there! Totally neglected by those DevCorp bastards! Call in the authorities! Outrageous!"

When DevCorp North brags that this is what DevCorp North does, and collects taxpayer money to do it, but doesn't.... I call that outrageous. I call this strike three, DevCorp North, you're out.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

* Same Ole-Same-Ole Song and Dance

It's been too long, huh? One whole week. Did everyone miss me?

Is everyone hungry for new "Broken Hearted" Hell Hole stories?

Well not today. Here is a couple of repeats.

By now you all know about the big drug bust Alderman Moore organized around Howard Street. Kind of like the drug sting on Morse Avenue.

You all know he single-handedly got the police to install a Pod camera. But he's a tip Alderman Moore. When you send out the new press release, please do not credit the wrong agency this time. You look like a real boob when you do such dumb stuff like that.

Here is a story that hasn't changed in one year.

DevCorp North has collected good money to make economic change. They just haven't done anything. Forgive me if I am being so cynical. Walk down Morse Avenue this holiday season and see if there is anything different from shopping on Morse Avenue last holiday season.

The only change, Morse Avenue added another dollar store!

How many of you will be spending money in Rogers Park for gifts this holiday season?

Saturday, November 19, 2005

* Vegas Blogging

This morning we ( my travel partner and I ) walked the sin city main strip from New York-New York ( Hotel ) to Paris ( Hotel ). We came across this little bistro that was proudly serving..... foie gras.

Gotta love those French.

Stay tuned, as I'm going to have a true "Broken Heart of Las Vegas Blvd". story tomorrow.

Friday, November 18, 2005

* Out of Bounds

On my way to Midway airport on Thursday,( yes I'm in Vegas now ) I noticed our new streets and sanitation boss for the 49th ward doing some cruising on Lake Shore Drive. Was Mike lost? Does Mike know where the 49th ward is? Mike, you are heading in the wrong direction buddy.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

* Special Service Area # 24 Scandal - The Lazy Janitors

Here is a story I did in May 2005. Little has changed since then. Yesterday I went into the Dominicks Supermarket in the Gateway Center at 1:30pm and there.... lo and behold were a crew of six Special Service Area janitors, keeping warm from the outside cold snap, sipping their Cafe' Latte's from Starbucks with-out a care in the world.

One friendly janitor smiled and waved hello to me. Oh, how nice. So, here we go.

Wasting Time and Money Doing Nothing Under "Blind Leadership"
Out of Bound 4 Out of Bounds Out of Bounds 3

I've been meaning to do this for awhile. I watch these guys everyday leaving my alley heading no-where on the SSA map. When the Special Service Area Tax #19 & 24 janitors aren't busy painting half the poles in the neighborhood, they spend hours doing this type of jaywalking, all the while doing very little or no work.
Out of Bounds 2

Well, as you can see in this one photo, the janitor is clearly lost. Try finding this red scaffolding anywhere on the Special Service Area #19 or 24 boundries? YOU WON'T. He is out of bounds, this is Fargo and Greenview. Wonder what he is doing? Nothing. Who's watching these guys? No one.

As I followed these guys I also noticed they spend time trying to "chat it up" with the females going to the CTA EL with no success. Some may call it "Cat Calls", I call it pathetic. Now I know why DevCorp North got them away from the office on Howard and shipped them to Morse Avenue, these horny janitors must have been all over Kimberly?

Another scam these janitors play is CTA turnstyle skipping. Basically, riding the CTA EL without paying. They use two methods. The first is one card, two people in a turnstyle method. The other method is waiting for a exiting CTA rider, they schuuch in (yes... schuuch) as they leave the station. This happens every day after their shift. Around 3:15pm. They use the Lunt Avenue side because no one from the CTA watches this side. One source tells me these janitors ask the CTA clerks to commit fraud by asking them to give free rides.
Trash 2 Trash 1

Here are just a couple photos of the many items of garbage they missed on this day's walk. as DevCorp North calls it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

* Parkway Trees Under The DevCorp North Protection Act

A Cut-in-Half Tree located in the 1400 block of Morse Avenue. A missing tree right next door.

"I was on the Steering Committee and the reason is because we decided to focus on the most blighted areas."
posted by RPneighbor : 7:19 PM

Simple enough for a volunteer member the steering committee who spent time on the Morse Avenue Streetscape picking out types of trees, planters and lights to say. But what about DevCorp North under the paid leadership of Kimberly Bares? Someone who gets paid well to take care of these things. What does Ms. Bares have to say?

Bare is right when it comes to looking for trees in the 1400 of West Morse. For over two years we have had to look at this. Two years! Missing trees, broken trees and cut trees. Clear-cutting on Morse Avenue?

On Broadway where I work and pay into a SSA, when a tree gets damaged, the tree gets replaced with-in weeks.

Why doesn't that happen in this SSA? Where are all those Special Service Area #24 tax hike dollars going to Ms. Bares? Where are you going to string the Christmas lights?

* Top 5 Comments from the Peanut Gallery

Here are a few of the more accurate comments from yesterday's story about DevCorp North's work on beautifying the neighborhood ( SSA #24 Scandal -The Planters ) with the tax dollars they collect on Special Service Area tax hike #24.

5. "the entire area is in a massive state of disrepair".
posted by omgwru : 10:49 AM

4. "If it's DevCorp's mission to promote cleanliness and community than they have failed. What is it that they do, exactly?"
posted by Bob K : 1:23 PM

3. "Sad but true, this is the future of Rogers Park. "
posted by jeff o : 2:47 PM

2. " If I were to make a top 10 list of the most depressing things I come across on a daily basis- those planters would be high on the list.

10. Pathetic planters
9. Litter in front of my house
8. Litter around the corner
7. Overflowing garbage cans on Morse filled with lazy people's personal trash
6. The same loiterers walking around like they own the street
5. The lackluster new businesses on Morse
4. Unbelievable amount of litter on Morse.
3. Jeff O (I am kidding- really)
2. Drug dealing and scouts all about

and the number one most depressing thing? I'll leave that for you guys."

posted by RPneighbor : 7:27 PM

The number one comment in the comments section.....

"'DevCorpse' TM pending,"
posted by lafew : 1:36 AM

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

* Special Service Area # 24 Scandal - The Planters

We will revisit the janitor's office again in the future. Maybe Ms. Bares isn't ready to answer those tough questions? Today we will pretty it down a bit. Today we are talking beautification projects.

The flowers and the planters. The Morse Avenue streetscape meeting focused a lot about this last night. Ask yourself, if these were your planters, would you be proud of them? Now remember, if you pay into the SSA #24, you are foolish paying for them to be maintained this way, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The DevCorp North maintained planter last year in 2004. Filled with snow and garbage.....

....Here is the same DevCorp North maintained planter today. November 2005

Here's the story. Who cares for the planters? Well, the answer from CDOT's Ms. Gomez was, "it is DevCorp North and the SSA."

Really? Here is an old mystery that never got solved. This story was called, "SSA #24-Not at Work-Part 2, Multi-Purpose Waste Containers Go Un-Attended for Days"! Story circa January 10, 2005. Well folks, just look how well DevCorp North with Kimberly Bares at the helm took care of the planters with-in the Morse/Glenwood/Clark Special Service Area tax.

Not too good huh? The poor plastic tree started to wilt. Only under DevCorp North and Kimbery Bares can a plastic tree wilt. Ms. Bares and her team of horticulture specialists need some gardening lessons.

But what is the most embarrassing is they got PAID to take care of these these plastic trees. Somehow duping the SSA commissioners and taxpayers in 2004-05, DevCorp North budgeted in $12,000 dollars in SSA tax money for landscaping. To take care of these 4 plastic trees in 4 planters.

Another $17,000 was budgeted in furniture and banners. But we have no benches and banners on Morse/Glenwood or Clark, much less to take care of them?

Check it out, it's on the 2004-05 budget, take a look.

As you can see in the photos taken last year and this year, well this is what you paid for, NOTHING! Oh, sorry, I would hate for them to remind me, they bought wood chips.

No plants were planted in 2004 or 2005 on Morse/Clark or Glenwood. One fallen planter this year was pick up after I reported the crash.

So did the taxpayers get their #29,000 dollars worth of beautification in 2004-2005 out of the SSA #24 budget? The taxpayers were budgeted to receive these services.

How are we going to trust these foodstamp paid janitors to maintain a expensive $3.7 million dollar pork barrel streetscape project under DevCorp North & Ms. Bares when they can't handle 4 plastic trees they care for now?

* "If I paid into that SSA I’d be a bit concerned"....

by Pamela

The Morse streetscape plans are beautiful. So why did I find the meeting so depressing? So many people put such long and thoughtful hours into the plan. The citizen participation warms the heart.

But I’m still depressed. $3.7 million to prettify Morse is a lot of money to invest on a hope and a prayer that such efforts will somehow bring more/better business to Morse and thus chase away the bad businesses and bad guys. Nowhere, in the history of the world, has it been shown that putting the cart before the horse will get you down the lane. Beautification programs don’t magically bring business, nice as they may seem. Andersonville first had a thriving business community, then it got streetscaping. Devon has long had a thriving business community. Their streetscaping plan didn’t bring business. Business was already there. Their beautification program simply enhanced an already robust commercial area. Clark has robust businesses without pretty planters.

Further, the principals were unable to provide the upkeep costs. If I paid into that SSA I’d be a bit concerned about future increased fees but maybe I overly worry about future costs. I’d also be concerned that $3.7 million in taxpayer dollars (those are your and my dollars) will make for a pretty street but still we’ll have ugly businesses which won’t encourage new business. Last I checked no one can kick those businesses out provided they have a lease and pay rent on time and otherwise obey the law. If there is no attendant rise in business there will be no rise in sales tax collections. Yes, maybe the pretty street will lead to rent increases which will shake out some of the businesses. But it will take time. And it will take a line of people wanting to open businesses there. And it will take building owners willing to rent to the kinds of people who want to open businesses. As one woman in the audience said, "those businesses in the strip mall east of the tracks are just creepy; I’m not going in there.”

The plans, nice as they are, depress me. A bunch of people gathered together to grab their share of the taxpayer pot of gold since everyone else is grabbing. If we don’t grab someone else will! When will people step back and realize that all this grabbing simply causes legislators and politicos to tax us more? When will we step back and analyze the return on our investment? It’s one thing to pay taxes for roads and bridges and to support the infirm and the otherwise needy. It’s another to spend tax dollars on beautification projects that enrich the already monied class if they enrich anyone at all. Has the Devon beautification project led to an increase in sales and income taxes in that area? If so, by how much? Perhaps the business owners see more business but has it resulted in sales and income tax increases that have (or will have) paid for the project, and increase overall taxes for other, more important, uses (such as roads and bridges and paying for the infirm)?

What IS the return on these investments?

I was also depressed by the lack of respect shown to the two businesses that have invested the most on Morse – Morseland and Connie Abels. Whatever one may think of these businesses or the proprietors (and I don’t know them so have no opinion one way or the other), the reality is that they have put money into Morse.

Yet the plan shown didn’t even give them a planter. How sad that we live in a world where we’ve all been brainwashed into punishing success. If my management treated me as the ward appears to be treating these businesses in the streetscape plan, I’d pick up and leave for greener pastures. While one must naturally help those who need some support, it is also important to reward success by at least tossing a bone their way as a measure of thanks.

Sorry to be a party pooper and a wet blanket but this strikes me as an exercise that will make a lot of people feel very good but won’t prove to be the panacea everyone thinks it will.

Monday, November 14, 2005

* Morse Avenue Streetscape Map Fiasco

" It's not a road in the middle of a cornfield"!
Quoting Alderman Moore at the $3.7 million dollar Morse Avenue Streetscape project meeting Monday night.

* Only $2 million dollars is secured for the project as of today. Alderman Moore claims the city will cover the $1.7 million.

* The fancy brickwork crosswalks presented to the public has flaws according to CDOT and needs early maintenance. Just a minor flaw.

* DevCorp North (we are told), will take care of the planters and beautification. We will visit that issue tomorrow.

* Special Service Area # 24 Scandal - The Janitors Office

We know DevCorp North follows the site. We know they keep track of what's going on? Heck, once and a while they even join in on softball issues. Some problems have been solved. The Broken Heart of Rogers Park and the neighbors are very grateful.

This issue how-ever hasn't been solved yet.

It was called "Questions for my new neighor"?

This story was posted on December 5th, 2004. Yes, 2004. If this story was about bread, it would be moldy by now? But this story is about the new janitors office on Morse Avenue.

With over 2 dozens questions in the story.... Maybe Ms. Bares got totally confused? I can accept that.

I will narrow it down to less than 10 questions this blog.

Here is a little background on the story. Cobblers Mall at 1328 W. Morse Avenue, a property owner that was listed as one of *seven "oral testifiers" for the Special Service Area tax #24 at the downtown public hearing September 26th, 2003.

Recently the owner/SSA commissioner, we will call her Mary sold the property and made a nice chuck of money. But before Mary sold the property, this Special Service Area commissioner named Mary got a little extra/extra.

Extra Special Snow Shoveling

Extra Special Sidewalk Cleaning

Extra Special Window Cleaning

The other poor property owners along the SSA route just didn't get this type of extra Special taxpayer funded Service.

So now, let's move ahead. Ms. Bares rams this SSA tax increase though with Alderman Moore's blessing. But Ms. Bares has a slight problem now.

Ms. Bares most likely gets tired of the new janitors she has hired. Paying the workers in food stamps doesn't bother her, but the cat-calling she gets from these workers is driving her raving mad... and had to stop.

Kim wants them out of her sight, sending them to Morse Avenue Hell Hole.

But there are by-laws and rules to do anything with SSA money. Were they followed to the letter of the law?

These questions today deal with securing the janitors office itself on short notice. See someone makes money on rent.

Did all nine SSA #24 commissioners vote on this location?

Did the one who had a vested interest excuse herself from the vote?

Why was this location chosen?

How much did this office space cost in total rent for the 10 months it was open? And 10 months is a stretch because it was closed most of the time.

Where did the funding coming from?

Who made the money?

It's not on the Special Service Area #24 budget line item for 2005.

* Footnote.
Twenty-seven total people, some not even with in it's boundaries were able to pass this extra special tax. Despite the fact 51% by law was needed to get this tax approved. That would mean DevCorp North would have needed to secure 100 property owners and 300 renters to pass this Special Service Area tax. When Kimberly Bares sent out the 200 or so notices, she said they only got " 3 back ". She orally testified. There are over 200 property owners in the SSA #24 area and she received three back. Three out of 200. Was notices sent to any of the 600 renters Ms. Bares?

Well, Ms. Bares, got the answers this time around?

Sunday, November 13, 2005

* Public vs Private Hiring Practices

If a private business paid it's workers in food stamps, City Council member Alderman Moore would scream bloody murder.

A press release would be sent out world-wide. Public hearings would be held, calling that type of payment "Slaves Wages"!

But when his political action network DevCorp North and Special Service Area #19-24 uses this type of slaves wages as payment for it's janitors, Alderman Moore does a 360 degree -flip/flop.

Alderman Moore cheers with approval.

* Special Service Area #19 - #24 Scandal

Over the next couple months we will be discussing the effect of the DevCorp North run Special Service Area's under Kimberly Bares and Rene Carmego. The failures and lies.

From budget issues, to service issues, to what they really do with the all the money. We will look at the facts. If you feel they are wrong, feel free to call Ms. Bares at DevCorp North and ask her to proof the information is wrong.

These next couple of months are old stories that haven't gotten solved.

Issues like how often the tractor and sidewalk sweeper were used. You know, hours. The tractor and sidewalk sweepers provide that information. And they should be keeping a log of the activites.

Oh, if anyone has been to the 2431 CAPS meeting this summer, you have heard of the security log Rene keeps. I requested the log go public. The 3 month private security log has yet to surface. That's the $25,000 log. I'm still waiting for the answer for what happened to the rest of the secuity funds. Some $40,000 plus over 2004-05.

So, let's begin.

Why did 27 people approve a Special Service Area tax increase on themselves? A tax that effects over 200 property owners and 600 renters?

Privatization and Duplication of City Services
(by Hugh)

This policy of privatization and duplication of City services using Illinois' Special Service Area (SSA) laws has many advantages to the Mayor, the Alderman, and the "sole service provider", among them:

1) a. The property taxes collected in the Special Service Area are used to purchase a fledgling chamber of commerce or a nascent community group, put them on the City payroll, and designate them as the "sole service provider" for the SSA. The sole service provider then appoints an SSA Commission from among its members and controls the spending of the SSA property taxes. In return, the sole service provider works for the City and the Alderman as an unregistered lobbyist and grassroots lobbyist in the neighborhood.

1) b. The sole service provider is expected to advance the City and the Alderman's agenda by speaking out in favor of it within the neighborhood and by writing and testifying downtown.

1 ) c. When they speak and write and testify in favor of the legislation, they identify themselves as a "community group," not a City agency. The sole service provider is always ready to supply a letter at the Alderman's request, when it is felt that a piece of legislation requires the imprimatur of "community support. "

1) d. A potential independent voice from the neighborhood is eliminated. Local politicians are relieved of the burden of doing the hard work of developing concensus. Residents are disenfranchised from the political process because the City has bulk purchased all the political support it needs.

2. The sole service provider employees are non-union and outside the City's Living Wage ordinance, and beyond the pale of the Shakman decree. The sole service provider employees are cheaper, easier to hire and fire, and it's easier to make political appointments.

3. The private departments and SSA-collected property taxes are off-the-books with respect to the City budget cycle and so are subject to little or no public scrutiny. The sole service providers also claim to operate outside the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, further reducing public oversight. While city vendors are required to file financial disclosures, and these are posted on the City's web site, the subcontractors of the service provider are not.

4. If you raise property taxes city-wide, it is big news, and it can cost you re-election, but if you do it piece-meal, a few blocks at a time, no one seems to mind much, or do they?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

*-> Lies and Half-Truths From Kevin Cosgrove

{ Start drum roll please. Note to readers: Use your Monster Truck Commercial Announcer voice }
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. You are in for a treat.

Who says no-one reads the Hell Hole? November is the "Broken Heart" of Rogers Park's First Anniversary.
{Cheer's from the crowd as Red, white and blue balloons fall from ceiling}

Don't let the blood pressure rise too high. Sit back and enjoy. We have some raw, nearly un-edited wording (only two words) from the main puppet of them all. Alderman Moore's GO-TO-GUY. The highest paid man on Alderman Moore's staff. In his off time he can be found sitting in the Heartland Cafe as the Legal Notarizer for the 49th Ward Democratic committee, headed by David Fagus.

{ Read slow - then pick up speed at the end for climax effect, still using the monster truck announcer voice. Repeat a couple of times until you get it right }
He's Chief of Staff in the 49th Ward of the City of Chicago - Mr. Kevin Cosgrove!!! {Wild applause}

I tend to avoid this blog site due to the multitude of lies and half-truths I usually find, and the impact that it has on my blood pressure. I fell compelled, however, to respond to the posting by Margo Hackett.

I never issued a blanket statement that "more condos and less rental housing was a good thing."

During the course of a twenty minute conversation in which I mentioned personally being a 16+ year renter in the 49th Ward, and pointed to numerous things the Alderman's Office has done to preserve and improve the rental stock in the community, I said that in some situations condo conversions could be beneficial to portions of the neighborhood. I stand by that statement. We need to view things with a general guiding principal, but be ready to look at proposals/projects on a case-by-case basis.

We did talk about Tax Credits, but the building I referenced was the former Van Dorn Building at the northeast corner of Sheridan and Rogers -- Margot's notes must have gotten jumbled on that one (come to think of it, I don't think she took any?). The Van Dorn suffered from years of little or no maintenance. It also served as a focal point for much of the crime in that area (before some of you get up in arms, there were many good people living there as well). I worked closely with the new owners to secure Class 9 monies to rehab the building in exchange for renting to individuals with below-median incomes. The change at that premises is amazing.

The Northpoint (very plural Margot) buildings were indeed part of our conversation. I mentioned the Alderman and I lobbying banks to invest millions of dollars to rehab and preserve that important rental housing in the 49th Ward. We also worked to make sure management was involved with Community Policing, and that they properly screen tenants.

In all fairness to Margot, I did mention issues with Fran Tobin. Fran and I have had our differences over the years. In all fairness to me, she should have mentioned that I was very complimentary of Fran and RPCAN and the many things they have and continue to accomplish in our community.

This morning (Saturday) I'll be attending the Rogers Park Section 8 Tenant's Council Meeting. I didn't call to find out, but am guessing that Fran will be in attendance -- yet I still plan to attend -- hmmmm.

I told Margot that I thought she and her fellow renters were in good hands with Fran and Mr. Bernstein, and I thought, gave her some good advice about the current situation in her building.

It's ludicrous at best to imply that the Alderman and I are unwilling to "reach out" and work with individual tenants. Those of you who call the Ward Office know that I do return calls and am willing to meet with people, sometimes even without an appointment (as was the case with Margot)!

Unfortunately it's not possible to attend every community meeting. Lots of meetings go with the job -- I'm fine with that (I have three tommorow), but the Alderman and his staff need some time for personal lives. I asked Margot to keep me posted on any new developments and very clearly offered to call the developer to apply pressure if it might prove helpful. I guess I thought that was reaching out?

Margot didn't ask me for "resources from our level to help." She asked for a listing of all Tax Credit, CPAN, LIHTC, etc. housing in the Ward and of everything we've done to preserve rental housing -- affordable and market rate -- in the community. Ubnfortunately I don't have such a list. It's a lot of data, and comes from various sources.

I also read her request as asking for a broad position paper from the Alderman on these topics, and promised to relay her request to him -- which I did. It is important that people understand Aldermanic Offices don't have major control over the vast majority of condominium conversions in the City of Chicago.

Pleae allow me to state very clearly, "the Alderman and I are more than willing to work with tenants on an individual or group basis." I thought that was precisely what I was doing with Ms. Hackett? We keep the office open until 700pm on Wednesdays to allow people time to get back to the neighborhood from work, and the office is open for 45 hours each week. The Alderman and his staff also host and attend many weeknight community meetings that begin after 700pm.

Let me apologize in advance as I'm certain that my rather long posting will generate further postings/attacks, but I don't plan on posting further. I felt Margot's posting deserved follow-up, but really don't like to use this blog as a personal forum -- I feel that doing so lends legitimacy to some of the more outrageous things that are posted.

As always, I can be reached at the Alderman's Office (773/338-5796).

Kevin Cosgrove
49th Ward Chief of Staff

Blogmaster notes. How about that. Kevin Cosgrove made the Hell Hole folks. Good ole Kevin's "goin' be famous", as one of his fellow 49th ward democratic party members said once before.

So, it's the end of this portion of the show. Now the fun part begins with the comments that can be made about the lies and half truths from Kevin Cosgrove. But be warned. For the real over the top... suck up to the Alderman and his staff comments... comments we will no doubt get from the like's of Charlie D. and Michael C. or K. Those comments will be deleted from now on. Save those suck up comments for your own website guys. This is the Hell Hole. Meunderstand on the other hand, you can leave your suck up to the Alderman comments all you want. I will allow it.

Friday, November 11, 2005

* Save the Lakefront Petition Drive

The Friday infomercials continue.

"Isn't this such a beautiful sight. A photo of Pratt Pier light tower as the sun rises on a fall morning from the beach. Want to keep this wonderful view"?

Save Our Lakefront has begun circulating petitions to put a lakefront protection referendum on the ballot for the 49th ward in March's primary election.

If you would like to help circulate petitions, I will be at Panini Panini Coffee House from 11am to 1:00pm tomorrow (Saturday) with petitions and precinct poll sheets. Join me for a cup of coffee and join the fight to help protect the lakefront! Anyone who can do canvassing in West Rogers Park is especially encouraged.

Anne Sullivan

* Condominium Conversion Conversation ( Info-Meeting )

Tenants Meeting
Sunday, November 13th at 6pm
1543 West Morse Avenue

Here is your chance to meet with tenants rights attorney, Paul Bernstein, Fran Tobin from the Rogers Park Tenants Association and hopefully members from the aldermans office to discuss our rights as tenants for fair treatment and safe housing.

This meeting is a consultation only.

It is an opportunity for you to meet Mr. Bernstein and have your questions and concerns addressed. We can then decide if we are interested in hiring Paul to legally represent us as a tenants group.

Mr. Bernstein, in addition to being a tenants rights lawyer, is also on the board of the Metropolitan Tenants Organization. This group has been successful in aiding other tenants forced to move because of Condo Conversion. Through their representation, other tenants groups have been successful in recovering full security deposit, relocation assistance, reduced rent and in many cases 2 plus months of free rent. Those benefits were awarded in buildings that did not have any code violations. I think it is reasonable to expect that we could get significant rent reductions for our porches from New City Builders and a rent refund from QHC for the months of August through October. Those benefits are available to everyone, regardless of when you plan to move. Paul has offered us a flat rate for representation of all the tenants interested of $1000. This would break down to roughly $30 a unit, possibly a little more depending on the number of vacant units in the building. This fee will cover everything except court costs, which would occur if there were eviction proceedings on any of the tenants in the building.

I would encourage everyone to attend for several reasons.

1. Regardless if you move in a month or stay out your lease, it is ridiculous to pay full rent for a building in violation of city code. They got a reduced purchase price on the property because of the violation. Why are they expecting full rent?

2. Moving is stressful and expensive and you are being forced to move against your will so a developer can make a profit. I think it is time that renters take a stand on this. If more buildings unite, the developments will be less profitable and may slow the conversion craze. As it stands, I would guess you have a 50% chance of moving into another building slated for conversion.

3. We need to make sure the property is maintained, sidewalks shoveled and salted, lawns mowed, unit problems addressed in a timely manner.

If you cannot make the meeting but are interested in joining the ten tenants who have already committed to this action, please call Margot at (773) 780-4997.

Any tenant interested in pursueing legal recourse, please have the following information ready.

1. Copy of all documents pertaining to you lease, if you have one.

2. Written statement of current rent, security deposit, pet deposit, any other potential building code violations that you are aware of as well as any significant maintenance issues in your unit. If you cannot make the meeting, you can call me and I will be happy to bring that info to the meeting.

Feel free to call me if you have any further questions or concerns.


Margot Hackett
1441 Greenleaf

* Private Lives vs. Public Priorities - The Final Round

I didn't go, nor did I get a report on round two, the clergy chat. I did receive this new up-date from Michael Harrington. After 100 comments, this is the top discussed blog post since I started one year ago. Any chance of making it 150 comments? Let's start with one of the panelists, North of Howard blogger Gary Fuschi. Who's In, Who's Out, and Why? Why was Gary added to this forum? Was it because Gary has written a dozen or so blog posts about the poor conditions in the North of Howard area or the parks and Michael read them? Maybe it's because Gary is openly critical in his blog writings against Alderman Moore's policies? Is this why Gary's name was put on the list at the last minute? Is Michael Harrington hoping to get a few good sound-bites at his forum ripping the currect leadership? Blogger Gary Fuschi's name wasn't on the first draft under the Private Lives vs. Public Priorities Bloggers/Writers forum. So, Who's In, Who's Out, and Why?

Dear United Church Members and Friends,

This Saturday, Nov. 12 at 2pm in the church sanctuary at 1545 W. Morse Ave. is the final event in our three-part Private Lives/Public Priorities forum series on the future of Rogers Park and community issues.

The topic is Inclusion, Opportunity, and Access - Who's In, Who's Out, and Why?

The panel of presenters will feature:
· Roberta Buchanan, Executive Director, Howard Area Community Center
· Gary Fuschi, North of Howard Resident and Activist
· Don Gordon, Executive Director, Rogers Park Conservancy
· Sara Jane Knoy, Executive Director, Organization of the NorthEast
· Daniel Romero, Community Organizer, Good News Church
· Dick Tholin, Chair, United Church Social Action Committee
· Fran Tobin, Interim Executive Director, Rogers Park Community Action Network

The first two forums brought out Rogers Park media/writers and local clergy to speak on panels about community issues. The Q&A dialogues with audience members helped provide our church's Social Action Committee with many ideas to inform development of our 2006 United Church Community Action Plan. Those forums will be broadcast on CANTV later this year.

I hope you plan to join us this Saturday afternoon and participate in an interesting discussion about Rogers Park community issues and the role of our church.

Peace, Michael J. Harrington, Forum Moderator
Member, United Church Board of Trustees

Thursday, November 10, 2005

* Possible Abduction in Front of Alderman's Office

From channel seven. Police are checking into reports that two students were abducted on their way home from school Thursday afternoon in the Rogers Park neighborhood.

It reportedly happened near the intersection of Greenview and Jarvis when the girls were coming home from Mather High School. Police say the girls who are 16 and 15 years old, used their cell phones to text message their family and friends. The text messages said the girls were forced into a white van by several men.

The FBI has been called in, but police have not issued an Amber Alert or released descriptions of the girls or their names. As the story is being typed, the word is good..... the girls have been found.

* "I Screwed Up"... says Alderman's Aide

If you get or see one of these last minute orange flyers, please disregard the year 2004. "That is a mistake," according to Michael Land from Alderman Moore's office. Land said, "I screwed up... We are not trying to turn back the clock".... "thanks for pointing the typo out".

I also pointed out that these orange outdated flyers had yet to appear anywhere near Morse Avenue. I was told the boundaries for flyering were "Touhy to Pratt, the Lake to Ridge" said Wayne Frazer from Alderman Moore's office. The flyer in this photo was taken in the 1100 block of West Sherwin, a few blocks outside the area.

Back to the information on the flyer. On Monday the 14th, at the Chicago Public Library, ( 6907 N. Clark St. ) a Morse Avenue Streetscape community meeting to review the plans is being held at 7pm. The meeting is hosted by the Alderman and his three political action committee groups, DevCorp North, RPCC and RPCDC. Hope everyone can show up for this federally funded, pork barrel, $800,000 meeting? Do you wonder why RPCC, RPCDC and DevCorp North are involved? Could it be for a cut in the consulting fees?

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

* Morze Bitch

<- Southwest corner - Greenview and Morse Building, who is Morze Bitch?

* Kids Walking Home Alone

It didn't take me long to prove my point. The photo was taken in the exact same spot. Unlike what you saw in the News-less Star today, here is what the walk home for the Sullivan High School kids really looks like at Morse and Ashland on any given day. I counted over 150 kids walking alone, with-out any so-called CAPS safety patrols today from 2:50 pm until 3:15pm.

* New Look Tabloid News-less Star

I know I'm going to help sell a few papers, but so what. New-less Star might as well hired Victor Skrebneski for the new look cover photo, on the new look News-less Star, A Pioneer Press Publication.

The headline is a eye grabber too. "Patrol puts dent in crime."

If this photo-op wasn't a set-up, neither was the St. Valentines Day Massacre.

First off, in the photo, the ratio of patrols to students is 50/50. This is clearly not true. Go out and watch the kids come home on any day of the week and look hard if you see a 50/50 ratio. It's more like 500 to 1. If anyone of these groups of kids started a group mob fight, these three patrolers would be running for cover.

Second thing. Had Allen Kaleta, the photographer, randomly gone out to do this photo, his camera would most likely have been stolen.

The third thing is.... if Katy Hogan ever really walked down the street with a closed fist and a sneer towards a group of these kids like she did in this pose and shoot, one of the kids most likely would knock the sneer right off her face?

So tabloid New-Star, show us actual proof. What facts do you have this group of three has put any dent in crime other than them telling you? Do you have police report figures to back this up?

* Morse & Greenview: Hole Fixed

Can you believe it? This problem has been fixed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

* Murdered Lady Loved Walking Her Dog

Barbara Demus, who lived alone in the Haunted by Death Building could be seen walking her dog every day.

* Renter Holds Out On Stealth Condo

If you lived at 1358-66 West Greenleaf and got kicked out due to the Stealth Condo Craze you're not alone.

All but one is moving. One is going to hold out. We will call her Daisy Duke.

Daisy has to worry about no security in this property. All the doors to the entire tier I visited were un-locked. So was the enterance gate in the photo. She soon has to worry about the water ( see red notice ) and electricity being shut off.

This would send the weaker packing. Not Daisy!

See Daisy is one tough cookie. And she knows someone at "The Broken Heart of Rogers Park". I gave Daisy some advice. I gave Ms. Duke the Rogers Park Community Action Network's number. I told her to call this guy named Fran Tobin. Mr. Tobin got right to the heart of the matter. Hat's off to RPCAN for stepping up to the plate so quickly in all. Still Mr. Tobin, I will be keeping track. I know you are busy trademarking the Save our Lakefront campaign. ( Another story. What's all that about?)

Also the Broken Heart is going to loan her a generator if the electricity is shut off. If we have to, we will get her a port-o-potty. With the help of a few folks, Daisy Duke will stay in her unit until her lease is up in May 2006. Or the owner of the building will follow the legal rules and work with Ms. Duke to re-locate her with-out any out of pocket expenses.

Monday, November 7, 2005

* Another Death in "Death Building"

Last night another person was killed in 7353 N. Sheridan, mysterious death building. That's three in a year. This victim was a woman in her 50's. She was stabbed, bound and gagged.

Tribune reports a neighbor discovered the body of Barbara Demus about 7 p.m. Sunday after he realized the woman's front door had been open for much of the afternoon and went to investigate, said JoAnn Taylor, a police spokeswoman. Demus was in the bedroom of her apartment, in the 7300 block of North Sheridan Road in the Rogers Park neighborhood, Taylor said.

* Dog Owner In Handcuffs

Why have Animal Care and Control patrol trucks have been arriving as early as 7 am in Loyola Park? Apparently, enough complaints have been filed due to dog bites and off-leash dogs that the ACC and the police have made a point of showing up every morning. 

Rule # 1.) "Fido" must be on a leash at ALL times!

Reports from sources I got say the Chicago Police actually handcuffed a dog owner Saturday morning around 7am for having her dog off-leash. They later released her. From reports I got, two squad cars, one patty wagon and the Animal Care and Control employee were involved with this single elderly female dog owner. I'm trying to track down the owner to get the full story. I also will be doing a story about a dog owner named Melody who has at least 5 dogs that roam the park off leash who got off scott free.

It looks as if we have a war brewing between some residents who live near the park, dog owners who use the park and dog rules that are required while having "fido" in the park. As one guest posted in another forum, "I'm sorry that your good time might be ruined, but I will continue to follow the advice I got from the police. I'm going to call them everytime I see a dog off the leash". After that post another guest posted that commenter was a "dick head"!

* 49th Ward Lakefront Referendum

Organizers of the 49th Ward Lakefront Referendum met Saturday to launch a new referendum effort. The meeting was very positive and productive. We finalized the wording: "Should the City of Chicago, State of Illinois and Federal Government prohibit lakefront expansion from Hollywood Ave. to Evanston that includes extension of Lake Shore Drive or establishment of any other roadways, marinas or harbors, housing, major landfill or commercial development?"

The obvious answer to this question is "YES!"

Next we planned to canvass the ward to meet a minimum percentage of signatures in each precinct. That way no one area is over or under represented. Finally, we voted to undertake this effort with a broad constituency not owned by any one group; enlisting as many segments of the community as possible.

How can you help now?

We need people to circulate petitions and to take responsibility for meeting a minimum number of signatures in each precinct. But don't worry--no precinct requires more that 29 signatures so it's not a Herculean task! We expect to have petitions and poll sheets available by Tuesday so we can begin. (If you're interested in circulating petitions e-mail me!) A series of community organizing meetings are being planned and will be posted when details are finalized.

Also, if you know of anyone who you think should endorse this referendum or could partner in our effort, pass that information along and we will do our best to include them: political organizations, community groups, block clubs, faith-based organizations, sewing circles, dog-walking groups, sororities/fraternities, senior centers, parent and school groups, businesses...everyone is welcome.

Please join us in sending a stronger message to our elected officials, the Park District, and anyone else eyeing the north lakefront for development or profit.

Anne Sullivan
Communication Coordinator

Friday, November 4, 2005

* Are You Taxing Yourself ? Suckers!

My 400th Blog. The Reader ( Nov, 4, 05-Section 1- page 8 ) has a Special Secret Service Area story. For all those uninformed, for those who voted for the SSA #19 and #24 tax, read this story. You got screwed thanks to Alderman Moore and DevCorp North. Oh, and yourself.

* Who's the Voice of the People? Mr. Rejman.

Below is a couple of paragraphs in the Chicago Tribune editorial page today. Our Alderman isn't being straight with his people. Neither is the Chicago Park District. I bold highlighted some "key words to watch for".... This is the voice of the people? This is how we are treated? Our words and deeds mean nothing? This isn't the whole editorial, go out and buy the tribune and read for yourself the whole text. You decide who's making the community paranoid with words?

Growing demand in city's harbor system
Rob Rejman, Director, Lakefront Construction
Chicago Park District
Published November 4, 2005

The article "Harbor bid scuttled as residents protest; Chicago Park District decides mid-meeting on Rogers Park issue" (Metro, Oct. 21) is misleading to Chicago Tribune readers.

The article leads by saying that Chicago Park District officials in a community meeting at Loyola Park on Oct. 20 dropped "proposals for a harbor in Rogers Park," when, in fact, all ideas presented were diagrammatic, and proposals have not been made.

At this stage several locations have been examined and brought forward for community discussion, but none has been proposed--or, conversely, excluded--by the Chicago Park District.....

...... The Park District and many citywide civic organizations agree, however, that North Side marina opportunities may exist, in concert with other park improvements, and are worthy of future consideration.

* Alderman Moore says `We're More of a Steak-and-Ale Kind of City '

But Fatty Goose Liver Still Legal in Chicago
(Blog Reader Submitted, no money changed hands.)

Despite calling in the culturally sensitive journalists from the NY Times, the celebs, PETA, and marshalling the forces of his ward, Alderman Joe Moore is unable to obtain passage of the important legislation that would protect geese from the savagery of Chicago diners.

Moore understands, however, that his fellow councilmen and women just need a little time to “take a look at it further.” One observer suggested that they will be looking at it for a very long time, which is disturbing if true.

Rogers Park residents are naturally devastated by this turn of events. “Geese will continue to die needlessly!” exclaimed one resident.

There was some talk by residents of holding a rally at city hall (it is hoped that they will be able to generate greater turn out than the latest anti-war demonstration).

The Heartland Cafe promises that they will “never serve foie gras here!” as a measure of solidarity.

Should the measure ever pass, there are loopholes that have some residents concerned. "You know, don’t you, that people can still buy the nasty stuff and have it shipped from Dean & Delucca. I think I saw the UPS truck pull up to a house on Albion and I just know they were delivering foie gras. These people ought to be jailed! Do you think it’s intentional that they have an ad for Williams Sonoma next to the article on the Chicago Trib website?

These foie gras forces are just so sneaky and nefarious. I think Karl Rove is the behind-the-scenes point guy here. I’d like to know what the Alderman’s plan is to get them? "We need to protect ALL the geese,”
who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Thursday, November 3, 2005

* Fagus Says Sherman is a Sham

Randy Sherman runs a sham organization that has almost no membership. It is the Randy Sherman Committee for Honest Government in reality and decisions are not based on anything much more than Randy's personal opinion. He has every right to hold those opinions, but giving weight to the organization as being representative of a larger group of community residents is inaccurate. Their endorsements, their occasional cable show and their credentials as reformers are as phony as a $3 bill.

If anyone is foolish enough to believe that the U.S. Attorney has not already reviewed all of the transactions of Bob Creamer and Citizen Action after 7 years of investigation and trial preparation they are very seriously underestimating Mr. Fitzgerald and his team. All of the documents that outline the transactions presented by Mr. Sherman are publicly available to you from the Illinois State Board of Elections. Rest assured that they have been reviewed and are not illegal, immoral or unethical. A loan was made and a loan was repaid on a number of occasions. It is that simple. If you review the reports you will see that it is completely and accurately reported within the specifications of the law.

I have worked year after year to add new voters to the rolls: tens of thousands in my 12 years. In each election year we add new voters and some years we have been able to add thousands and thousands of new voters. There is no rocket science to why our numbers are low. The 49th Ward has a large non-citizen population, a significant number of students who maintain their voter registration at their home address and even with the increase in home ownership we see a turnover in residents that we guess is about 25% every four years.

Mr. Sherman has a long and unattractive history in the 49th Ward. He is actually a former member of the 49th Ward organization who left when I made it clear I was abandoning the old machine ways. From chanting "Baby Killer" at train stations to pro-choice people as long as 20 years ago to today he has a long and personal problem with anyone who is not a part of the dying Democratic Machine. That is the kind of reformer Randy is and that is the kind of organization the Illinois Committee for Honest Government is.

David Fagus

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

* Creamer May Use Moore As Leverage ?

Illinois Committee for Honest Government Editoral Blog

Comparing the 49th Ward with the wards and communities further south along the lakefront is difficult at best, because Alderman Joe Moore and 49th ward committeeman David Fagus have done their best to turn the ward into a "rotten borough," with as small a voter base as possible. Their primary goal is to keep voter registration and participation down and voter turnover high, so that Moore only has to bamzoozle a relative handful of voters to stay in office.

The less than ideal commercial areas of East Rogers Park are apparently part of the overall scheme

Moore, Fagus and their lackeys make grandiose projections about the future of the community (the Gateway Project on Howard Street, which at best stumbled and struggled along, is a perfect example). When the rosy claims turn sour, it is easier for disheartened residents to move out of the ward than stay and fight. They are replaced by others who are willing to swallow Moore's bogus reformer credentials.

When you realize that due to the presence of Loyola University (with its built-in turnover of the student population), the growing immigrant population in the ward and the still significant senior citizen and nursing home population, it has been all too easy for Moore and Fagus to keep the 49th Ward down at the bottom in terms of votes cast at each election and Democratic votes cast.

This isn't a case of ranting about them... these are facts that election statistics have shown time and time again over the past decade. The 49th Ward has been at the bottom in terms of votes cast in North Side wards.

Until Moore and Fagus are removed from the political scene, the problems previously mentioned will continue.

However, there is hope.

The pending sentencing of Cong. Jan Schakowsky's husband, Bob Creamer, on December 21 means that we may see Creamer sing like a canary to keep from getting a lengthy jail sentence! Other than possibly implicating his Congressional spouse, Creamer's best source of leverage may well be Moore.

All one has to do is to go back and look at Moore's campaign disclosure report for the last half of 1998. There you will find repeated instances of thousands of dollars being shuffled back and forth between Moore's campaign committee and Creamer's Citizen Action. All Creamer ended up doing is giving Moore's committee a few extra dollars (like it was a bank ATM fee), but on paper it was made to look like Moore had raised about $30,000 in his campaign warchest. That was a campaign trick that might have made the old-time ward bosses blush with envy.

Hopefully the U.S. Attorney's office will soon stop treating Moore and other sleazy aldermen like little guppies that should be thrown back because they are not big enough.

In the meantime, let's start supporting some true reform candidates.

Secretary/Treasurer, Illinois Committee for Honest Government

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

* The Harbor Story:  How We Won, And Can Win Again.

The victory of Oct. 20, scuttling that latest plan to build something damaging on our lakefront, was important, but the battle is not over.  The Park District made clear they are looking towards Edgewater for support and that $800,000 bike path extension planning grant is moving ahead.  Given that we still face challenges, it might be worth noting how we put together this grassroots victory, so we can do it again.
The tremendous show of force opposing the harbor was a result of a year and a half of hard work by a lot of people.  Had it not been for our referendum, and the continuing grassroots organizing, this latest harbor scheme would probably have been another one paragraph story on page 17, which few people would even have heard of until it was possibly too late. 
As you know, it was last summer when RPCAN devised and initiated the referendum campaign, with Dan Tracy and Fran Tobin recruiting the Greens, writing the referendum and distributing the petitions.  Bob Rudner and Chicago Greens did a very important day of door-to-door petitioning, and more than a dozen RPCAN members collected petitions, as did a few other individuals.  Once it was on the ballot, a broader outreach campaign was started, and many more people and groups got involved.  We had a small ad hoc coordinating committee and quite a few people that did the real work of knocking on doors, phone banking, mailings, fundraising, etc. etc.  RPCAN recruited one of its members to create the website, and authorized Brian White to reserve the name.  Several block clubs and building associations endorsed the call for a "no" vote.  We trained precinct workers, conducted phone banking sent thousands of mailings.  On election day, several park advocates came out, passing their own flyers calling for a no vote.  And it worked.  The referendum plan did everything we intended when we first dreamed it up at that June RPCAN meeting.  It grew into a great community effort.
But an advisory referendum is only as effective as you make it.  88% is great, but it is not sufficient. 
Using the momentum, we met with Congresswoman Schakowsky and pressed our case, getting the first commitment from her to oppose Lake Shore Drive extension.

She assured us we would be in on "the conversation" about the lakefront, but said we should be open to other development ideas (her staff person called to yell at RPCAN for the story in its Spring newsletter issue, claiming the story was too alarmist). But that was still not enough. 

We knew there would be more plans that would appear.
In February, RPCAN started getting people to go door to door, and talked to hundreds more people, face-to-face over the months into the summer, continuing to build the campaign.  Along the same time, we started developing a Campaign Steering committee, to ensure accountability and have representation from the many facets of the campaign.  Jonathan Roth was elected chair.   RPCAN staff provided some organizing support.  Ultimately, the goal was to have a rep from each precinct or region on the steering committee.
In September, the Park District sent out word they were preparing meetings to present ideas for "world class destinations" along the lakefront.  This did NOT sound good.  Rogers Parkers, including people connected to the newly formed Rogers Park Conservancy (which grew out of the former 49th ward parks & beaches ctte) heard some of the plans, and an article in the Tribune described the possible harbor(s). 
In early October, Save Our Lakefront leaders Jonathan Roth, Raj Bhosley, Ginny Durkin and Fran Tobin moved quickly to mail out more than 1,100 alerts, sounding the alarm and asking people to come to the Oct. 20 meeting.  RPCAN members passed out more than 2,500 leaflets in a couple weeks, also calling for big turn-out and opposition to a harbor.  Conservancy activists also spread the word and worked with some of the Save Our Lakefront supporters to help with turn-out, like Shoreline Towers renting a bus for the event.
For weeks before the Oct. 20 Harbor meeting, Save Our Lakefront campaign flooded State Rep. Harry Osterman with emails calling on him to join us in opposing any harbor.  The emails obviously had an effect, as Rep. Osterman practically read our script in criticizing the Park District's latest idea.  Since he did that, it is important that we also send him a note of thanks, so he knows that when he does what we ask, we appreciate it.  But the message is also that we expect to be full partners in any further "conversation" about the lakefront.
 Save our Lakefront
Let's be clear:  October 20 was a victory, that came from a year and a half of work.  Grassroots, systematic organizational work. But that victory, as has been noted, is not the end. 
"Friends of the New Lakefront" and some Edgewater individuals think they can out-organize us in Edgewater.  And the planning money is likely to focus on some kind of process that covers the entire lakefront from Hollywood to Evanston. If we want to challenge the interests that stand to make money from building roads and harbors, we have to continue to organize, precinct by precinct, block by block.
Get Involved, Stay Involved.
Click the link above and send your note to Rep. Osterman.  Call the campaign office to see how you can help.  Attend the meeting about a proposed ward-wide advisory referendum in 49th ward (or perhaps elsewhere). 

Forward this blog to your friends and get them involved.
Save Our Lakefront campaign
(773) 973-7888

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs