Friday, March 20, 2009

Hazardous Tire Dump Poses Grave Environmental Risk @ 1523-35 West Howard

A 'Broken Heart' Exclusive Investigative Report

These are the facts, I'm not making this up. Scrap tires, if not properly stored, can present a considerable fire hazard. Scrap tire fires frequently take days to put out and produce highly toxic oil that contaminates the environment. Scrap tires may also hold rainwater that allows mosquitoes to rapidly breed and spread - which can carry diseases such as the West Nile Virus and the Equine Encephalitis Virus.

This toxic waste tire dump can be found at 1523-35 West Howard Street.

The Alderman seems to run with some very unsavory developers. Here's the top ten records Mr. Coe is building up in the 49th ward.

1. The near gas explosion.

2. The wall that fell over.

3. Adding to neighborhood blight.

4. Poor Public Zoning Notice

5. Neglecting Public complaints.

6. Neglecting Committeeman/ZALUC/DevCorp North Board Member complaints.

7. North of Howard Watchers has concerns.

8. What Hugh thinks.

9. Investigate this.

10. Coe Backs Out of CPAN.

Say No to Coe.
DevCorp North's Secret Backroom Deal.
Howard/Ashland Site Set For Eminent Domain.
Alderman Moore and Coe Are At "It" Again.
Alderman Unleashes Eminent Domain on Developer Pal.
News Star Covers Coe's Woes.
Alderman Calls Vanity Building A Hoax.
Suburban Developer Stimulates Alderman Moore's Economy.

More on Mr. Coe here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

We need a full-bore investigation into the matter. Someone, call the EPA. Or the FEDS.

"Green" Alderman Sells Permit for Lakefront Carcinogen Plume


Craig Gernhardt said...

Here's a laugher....

Joe Moore's Green Corps bio:

===Joe Moore has a long record of environmental accomplishments and continues to fight for the future of our planet.===

That's unless campaign contributions get in the way.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Thanks, Joe Moore. Thanks, DevCorp North. Thanks, Robert Coe.

For making 1523-35 West Howard the greenest toxic waste corner in Rogers Park.

Unknown said...

those aren't tires.
those are extra special joey donuts.

Toni said...

That's the Terzakis hole fka Lerner Building that couldn't be dealt with for years and years because of contamination.

It came down the same way all the others did. No extra special protection.

Unknown said...

junk 'n' joe-nuts

The North Coast said...

Why isn't Joe Moore the Greenie all over this?

A tire scrap yard is one of the worst things you can have in the area. I remember a scrap tire fire in southern IL that burned for days when I was a child. You could see the black, acrid smoke for many miles, and smell it, too.

The disease hazard is also considerable.

sandy said...

Joey Moore loves "GREEN"
Green money and Green Tarps!

jeff in chicago said...

I agree that this is unacceptable, is a potential health hazard, and needs to be cleaned up.

But if a fire broke out here, it would not "take days" to put out. The tire fires that burn for days, months, even years (CA fire in '98 burned for 26 months, but there was no attempt to put it out for most of that time) involve millions of tires. There seems to be about 30 tires in the dump you write about. Not a fire hazard. It would be put out in minutes.

I think your blog often serves a good purpose, but when you overstate some dangers, you risk losing credibility. Again, I agree that the situation as is needs to be dealt with.

Razldazlrr said...

Mr Moore seems to like to make a lot of flashy statements and promises but then walks away without really doing anything. Don't we wish he took more time to take care of matters like this that affect the people he is supposed to represent than big box, fois gras etc etc?? I guess there is nothing in waste removal that will make a great email blast or reason to talk to the cameras.

RP Free Speech said...


You are absolutely correct in your questioning of Joe Moore's responsiblities as Alderman of the 49th Ward.


Unknown said...

Joe forgot that the root of progressive is progress.

CNB said...

Was $1.5 million environmental impact study done here as Joe Moore claims was done for the still-to-happen Morse Avenue Streetscape?

Razldazlrr said...

What does Joe say about the Morse streetscape project? I'm sure it's going to be started this spring - right?

floss said...

Checked out the site April 19. The tires are gone!

Thank you Craig.

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